"I'd love to explain, dear, but we don't have the time." She began. "Not if we're wanting to get you to that ball." For some reason, she reminded him of an exaggeration of his mother. She seemed kind, cheerful, and full of life. The exact same qualities his mother shared. She took notice of his change in demeanor.

"I know you miss your mother, sweetheart," She began, "but she wouldn't want you wallowing in the dark when there is a party going on!" She took both hands and placed them on Cello's shoulders and shook him. "So, snap out of it!"

"Okay, okay!" Cello laughed. "Even if I do believe that you're real, why are you so determined to get me to the ball?"

"Because your dream is there, Cello," she explained. "Your freedom, the chance to feel loved, and maybe even the man you've always longed for."

"Man?" Cello asked quietly.

"Yes, man," His drag mother confirmed. "There are others in this world who are not so different than you. Others who feel the same as you. Some of them are closer than you think." Cello thought about what he was hearing. He felt that he may have been the only man who... would rather enjoy the company of other men. He didn't think about girls or women in the way his stepbrothers did. When he thought of someone he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, a woman was never in his fantasy. It was always a man. Big and strong but also comforting. A man who made him feel safe. A man who would wrap his arms around him and tell him that everything would be okay. A man who would always be by his side and love him until their end of days. It pained him so much inside. His drag mother cupped his cheeks in her hands.

"You are never alone," she said wiping his tears away, "don't you ever forget that." Cello sniffled and smiled at her.

"Thank you," he said.

"You can thank me after we get your beautiful butt to that ball." She said waving her arms around. More sparkles fell from her as she moved around. Lucky was right behind her chasing after them. She searched a bit around the premises for a bit before finding what she was looking for.

"Aha!" she exclaimed. "I got it." Cello watched as she bent down and picked up a yellow pumpkin. It was a small thing that would eventually grow much larger by autumn's harvest. She placed it in the road and made a rectangle with the thumbs and forefingers of her hands. She shut one eye and used the other to look through the rectangle she made. It was as if she was picturing something would go right where the pumpkin was.

"Um..." Cello began to say.

"Shush and let mama work," his drag mother said. "I stole this idea from a friend of mine. She was a complete diva, but the lady knew how to sing. May the great fairy mother rest her soul." She shook her hands and rolled her head around on her shoulders. "Just got to work out the kinks."

"Mhm," Cello said. He didn't know what else to say, let alone what to think of any of this. His fairy drag mother stretched her arms in front of her and waved them towards the pumpkin. This time an enormous amount of light released from her and soared towards it. Right before his eyes he saw the pumpkin grow larger and begin to transform. The stem of the pumpkin grew longer and wrapped down the base of the growing fruit. It split into four separate stems that curved into giant circles. The circles grew larger and thicker until the stems disappeared and turned into steel wheels. The pumpkin itself lost its uneven shape until it became almost a perfect sphere of gold that sat on top of the four wheels. The golden sphere was decorated with golden patterns that enveloped the entire body of what looked to become a carriage. The carriage was massive enough to house three windows on both sides of it. The coach's seat was lined in gold and the reins for the horses looked to be made with strands of even more gold.

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