10. Park Jimin

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Huhhh! Huhhhh! Huhhhh! - Jimin huffing while jogging.

"Jimin cellphone rings"

Good morning Jimin sir! Are you fine??? Why do you keep ignoring my calls?? Do you even know today you have to attend a meeting in Hybe building at 12:30pm. It's already 10am..... Get readyyyy fast!!! -Mr. Lee said in a breath.

Oh! Mr. Lee take a chill pill! I know I have a meeting with my other members and our CEO, Mr. Song and Mr. Lee I have 2 hours 30 mins to get ready and know that Jimin gets ready in just 5 minutes. - Jimin said.

Yes Jimin sir that is why you are always late at every meeting! - sassy Mr. Lee replied to Jimin

Yaaa! I am your boss what is this behavior! - Jimin said furiously

Okay my boss Mr. Park Jimin sir! Please get ready by 11:30am, I will be waiting to pick you up. - Mr. Lee said

Jimin went back to his apartment. He took a warm water bath and went to his dressing room, picked his black turtle neck pullover, cream coloured hoodie, black pants with ankle length boots and he put on his favourite perfume.

See Mr. Lee I am ready! - Jimin said while  getting in his black Porsche.
Yes sir! Just in an hour! - Mr. Lee said to Jimin in a sarcastic tone.

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