9. Naina Sharma

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"Oh Vaishali and Naina!! Come come I was waiting for you"- Mr. Gupta smirked
Mr. Gupta was acting suspicious.

Naina don't be scared I am here with you, your bestie will not leave you, don't be scared of this idiot- Vaishali said gripping Naina's hand.

Mr. Gupta got an email from our Korean clients. They want a dubbing artist and a few scripting artists with a TL (Team Leader) for their upcoming projects.

"Guess what guys I have made a list of those people who have been disobeying me for a long long time and who have been conspiring against me. So I will be sending them miles away, so that they all can know the real pain!" - Mr. Gupta glared at Naina.

"I will share the list after lunch break, get ready guys"- Mr. Gupta said.

" Hey my dearest, Naina meet me after lunch"- Mr. Gupta threw these dirty words to Naina.

Naina was tensed!!!

PROMISE (Park Jimin FF) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt