Chapter 2

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Y/Ns pov:

I turn around quickly to see the eldest brother standing there. I quickly get up and ask him

Y/N- "What are you doing here"

Neteyam- " I wanted to apologize for the way things started with us today"

Y/N- " there is nothing to apologize for I don't get involved with demon blood"

I quickly start to walk away as the elder brother is left flabbergasted. I then hear from behind me has I am walking away

Neteyam- " wait at lease tell me your name"

I then turn around and stop walking, "my name is Y/N and you need to leave me alone I can't stand to be near you demon blood" I answer.

Neteyam - "first off my name is Neteyam not demon blood and you have no right treating me this way"

Neteyam then quickly grabs my wrists and pushes me against the tree behind us.

Hey! Let go of me I shout.

Neteyam looks straight into my eyes and says "if you ever call me or my family demon blood ever again things will end badly"

Neteyam then let's go of me and he runs off.
I was left standing there shocked.


I woke up to tsireya yelling at me to wake up.

Tsireya- Y/N wake up wake up!

I get up from my bed and stand infront of her to see what she wants "what do you want tsireya it is 8:30 in the morning"

Tsireya- come on training with the sully children start today!

She then quickly leaves my room.

I really don't want to help them especially after last night with neteyam, but I have no choice I would get scolded by Tonowari and Ronal if I didn't.


Me, tsireya, Aomoung and Rotxo walked down to the beach to meet the sully children. Tsireya was very excited to see Lo'ak again she would not stop talking about him last night " Lo'ak is so funny and smart and hot! I laughed at all his jokes!" I couldn't tell Tsireya about last night with Neteyam because I know she would get upset with me but I can't help that they are half sky people. Anyways we finally arrive on the beach. Standing in the distance was Lo'ak, his older sister, his younger sister and... Neteyam.

Tsireya runs up to them and says " hi guys I'm so excited to teach you guys everything about our ways, we will start off on how to control our breath" the whole time Tsireya was talking I could feel neteyam staring into my soul. I honestly think he might throw a punch at me or something. I mean I would throw a punch at him gladly.

Tsireya- "ok let's get into 4 groups of 2"

Lo'ak walks over by Tsireya then I see Rotxo walk to the youngest. As I am about to walk over to the oldest sister neteyam stops me.

Neteyam- "will you be my partner Y/N?"

He says with a smirk on his face.

Y/N- "um no I-"

Neteyam then grabs my hand hard and says

Neteyam- " you will be my partner"

Fine I say as I  push him off of me.

Me and Neteyam then walk over to a rock we're  will could sit. Sit down I say to him he then sits down slowly. I ask

Y/N- why did you want me to be your partner so bad.

Neteyam- I don't care about you I just know Aonung is a dick and I didn't want to beat the shit out of him.

Y/N- ok whatever, ok sit up straight then take a long deep breath.

As he did I put my hand on his stomach to feel his breath, he quickly looks at me and pushes my hand off of his stomach.

Neteyam- don't touch me.

Y/N- do you want to learn how to control you breathing or not?

Neteyam just rolls his eyes and walks away into the trees, what an asshole.

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