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The bell for class rang in the distance as I lay out on the roof, closing my eyes for a midday nap. "Let's see... she should be arriving in 3...2...1..." I mumbled opening my eyes just a bit to watch the door as the sound of footsteps quickly running up the steps came from behind the stairway. "There you are! I've been looking for you, yelled a voice from across the rooftop. I turned my head as the sun beat down on my eyes blinding me for a second. "Well you found me..." I called out with a cheeky grin as my eyes met with her big brown and angry gaze. "Come and sit with me for a bit, Miss. president! It's such a beautiful day out that I couldn't waste my time sitting behind a desk..." I mumbled laying back down in a lazy manner. "No, I'm not here to be lazy and skip class with you! I'm here to drag your lazy ass back to class!" She yelled out with a fiery passion, marching her way over to grab me by the collar.

Sighing softly I sat up knowing there was no winning this fight though I didn't mind it lasting longer. "Okay... You win...Miss. President...I'll go!" I teased letting off a sly smirk as she rolled her eyes. "Do you ever take anything seriously!" I laughed softly as she grumbled under her breath. "Nope!" I joked softly brushing her cheek as I gently passed by. "Well, everything but you of course. I'll always take you seriously." I said softly as I looked into her eyes and smiled softly. Of course, she only glared at me and rolled her eyes huffing as she turned her back away. "Yeah whatever ever...just get your ass to class. If I have to come to find you again I'll be sure to kick your ass."

I nodded my head taking note of her grumpy mood though it was nothing new for us. "Understood miss prez..." I mumbled softly watching her back turn to me as the light from the sun on the roof hit the back of her head giving a halo effect to her hair. Oh how I wish I could have just pulled her into my arms right then and kissed her...told her that she meant the world to me...but I didn't.

I never would get that chance to do so in the end. Two months later as I was walking to school running late like usual when an accident occurred. "SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE! I DON'T THINK they're breathing!" A man yelled as a crowd of spectators formed around the scene. Worried whispers rang around in the air but no one dared to move from where they stood. Normally I would have kept my head low and been on my way but today I joined the crowd...I wished I hadn't. "Is anyone a doctor?" A voice called out in the sea of faces all worried and looking around frantically. "Medics would get here too late." Another voice chimed in. "Has anyone seen the driver?" A young woman asked as she scanned the area for a crash. Slowly I began to push through the crowd confused as to what happened. "Hey watch it kid...just go to school and mind your business!" Some of the adults yelled in worried tones but. I didn't listen. The closer I pushed into the crowd the clearer she became. There was a pool of blood on the floor. Her school bag laid off to the side on the curb. "No..." I muttered, shaking as my face paled and I felt my stomach lurch. Suddenly everyone's attention was on me. "Hey kid, do you know this girl?" They began to ask as the crowded parted. I didn't answer. I didn't move. All I could do was sit there next to her and try not to puke. "Kid, answer me! Do you know who this girl is? Kid please we need to know." A new voice asked me this time, sounding like an officer or some sort of medic worker. "Y-yeah...her name's..." suddenly my voice choked up as I sat there, tears brimming my eyes as I struggled to utter her name. It felt that if I were to speak it then it would make this all so much more real. "Her name is...S-Sadie...Sadie...Tompsan." I muttered staring down at her lifeless body. I just kept telling myself that this wasn't real...she was live just yesterday yelling at me again for wearing a hat in class and breaking the dress code of the school. Now she was laying here on the floor with her body all managed and twisted like some cruel trick.

Time seemed to freeze as her name slipped from my lips. It was like the world stopped spinning just so the heavens could play another cruel trick. She was leaving me...leaving me here without a goodbye. She was leaving before I could tell her my feelings. "Sadie...come back I still have to tell you..." the words began to choke up in my throat. When I came to my senses I was ushered away from her and then four years of highschool passed.

The sun shone brightly like the day she left this world. I winced as I looked up at the sky shielding my eyes from the sun when a hand shoved my back. "Hey man! Quiet spacing already! The professors are gonna be mad if we're both late again." He called out trying his best to move me along but my feet refused to move. All I could hear as he called to me was the sound of her voice the day she yelled at me on that roof for skipping class. I turned to face a boy from my class with a half hearted gaze and smiled softly "Yeah sorry...you go on ahead and I'll meet you in class." I said softly, stopping inches from her grave. He nodded leaving me to watch as he ran off with a puzzled expression on his face. I stood there watching till he was finally out of sight and then gently approached her grave. "Hey Sadie...I'm back again and running late to class again of course...I know you'd be yelling at me if you were here. I swear I'll get to class right away but first I wanted to leave this." I said gently laying a note down before the grave that was shrouded in flowers, ribbons, and letters of condolences of her passing. However my note was none of these.

I paused, taking a deep breath as I stood before her and smiled. "For you." I said softly and smiled at her and then left the note that just simply said what I regretted never saying.

Dear Miss. President,
I love you
Yours forever,
Cayden Mathew's

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