- American Secretary of State


On this day, of 2055 ( On Earth for the Terrans in viewing this ), Ms. Mayla Hawthorne, former Advisor for the Department of Homeland Security, will be chosen as the Acting President of the United States of America. She is eligible for a re-run on the Democratic Elections, and for now, will be marked as a Political Independent until she decides to re-run.

Due to the unique circumstances, the U.S. Government has voted to make this term not count, meaning she can legally run for 2 full terms.

When the New Years come, so help her God, Mayla Hawthorne.

May she take good care of the United States in the Executive branch.

- United States Legislative Branch, the United States Judicial branch, and the United States Pentagon

"Skin on our teeth"

5:44 PM

Zima had climbed over the fence and was rushing after Rosa. She didn't bother yelling, lest they reveal their positions - which didn't even matter considering that the UAV above had spotted them unbeknownst to them. Catching up to Rosa, the Polar Ursine was stopped as Zima pulled her off to the side and ducked down with her behind some rather dead shrubbery. Angrily and annoyed, Rosa looked at her, silenced by Zima's glare. "Why'd you stop me? Gummy's-"

"In trouble," Zima jutted in, sighing, "I know, but we can't just run in there with a harpoon."

She pointed at a Russian soldier clearing a classroom, "They have guns, rifles to be exact," she sighs, "Which means that they are much stronger than we are familiar with."

"So what do you want us to do?" Istina and Leto caught up, "We can't just leave her in there!"

Zima sighs and lightly hits her, "Look," - Hey! - "remember, we have alternative ways of getting up to the top floor remember?"

Rosa paused, blinking before slapping herself, "Right... how could I forget that.." Shaking her head, Zima began to get the other 3 to sneak with her, "Come on, round back of the school, just as we left it hopefully." Istina lightly held the medicine bag that she had, slightly going ahead.

The Russian Soldiers had noticed them a long time ago, thanks to the UAV, but they were acting completely oblivious. Which means if they see them out of the corner of their eye, ignore them or start walking away.

At the back of the school, there was an alternative exit that, before the disaster, was used for emergency purposes.

In the minds of the 4 USSG members, this was an emergency, so it was appropriate. There should not be an alarm, because that thing was disabled a long time ago after the disaster and the power cut. Zima opens it, slowly sneaking in, holding her weapon tightly.

They make their way inside, making their steps as light as possible, Leto in the furthest back holding the supplies they scavenged. Making it out of the hallway from the emergency exit, they slowly looked towards the main area towards the center of the school, seeing that there was Russians resting there, quietly eating some food.

Rosa gripped her weapon, before Zima grabbed her and shook her head, "No," she quietly warned. Dropping her shoulders in a huff, Rosa turns away. Zima points at a stairwell, "Start going up there..." at the order, Rosa begins heading up, her weapon pointed forward. Zima and the other 2 followed suit. They made as little noise as possible. Even with Leto carrying multiple supplies, she was keeping it as silent as a mouse.

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