"I've been fine, Soonyoung." Minho handed us all our IDs back, "You're all good."

"Thank you." I bowed. Minho put his hand up.

"You don't have to do that, it's chill here." he told me, smiling a little, "Also, relax."

"O-okay." I stammered. How did he...

Jeonghan took my hand and lead Soonyoung and I over to one of the tables. Over by the stage there were more people, one of them on the phone pacing back and forth.

"Joshua! Hey!" Jeonghan called out, waving his hand. One of the people turned around and smiled at us, waving back before walking over.

"Jeonghan, Soonyoung, so glad to see you guys here." he hugged them both quickly then turned towards me, "and you must be Chan, Jeonghan has told me so much about you! I'm Joshua."

"Nice to meet you." I smiled a little at him. I felt nervous and awkward.

"Joshua is my best friend, we've known each other for years. He's one of the rhythm guitarists and singers in the band performing tonight." Jeonghan told me. I looked over at Joshua.

"You're in a band!?" I asked.

"Yes." Joshua laughed a little, "have been for a few years now. We're trying to get ahold of our missing member now actually. Maybe a little later I can introduce you to everyone?" Joshua asked me, my breath caught in my throat. Meet more people!?

"Y-yeah. Maybe." Someone else from the stage area then came over.

"Joshua, he's on his way. Soonyoung, hey!"

"Minghao!" Soonyoung jumped up and hugged him, "Jun and I have missed you at Tiger Pounce!"

"I was just there yesterday." Minghao laughed, "Jeonghan, you're here too? I haven't seen you in awhile."

"I'm here to support you all your first night back." Jeonghan said.

"Minghao! Meet Chan!" Soonyoung turned Minghao towards me, "You know him as Dino though." Minghao's eyes widened.

"Dino? You're the one who made those amazing choreographies?" I nodded, slipping behind Jeonghan to hide.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I just love the dances you've made. We should definitely dance together sometime?" Minghao asked.

"Y-yeah, sorry." I stepped out from behind Jeonghan.

"No, you're okay. I need to go help set up. I'll see you all later!" Minghao went back over to everyone by the stage.

"You're rubbing off on Minghao too much Soonyoung." Joshua laughed, he then turned back towards me, "Welcome to the group of chaotic misfits Chan."

"Thank you." I laughed a little, "I'm gonna go get a drink of water."

"Okay Channie. I'm gonna catch up a little with Minho. He doesn't look too busy." Soonyoung said, going over to him. I made my way over to the bar itself. Sitting down, I took a few deep breaths.

"Overwhelmed?" I jumped and looked to see someone standing on the other side of the bar.

"Yeah, a little. I normally don't go out at all so..." I laughed a little.

"I get that. What do you want to drink?" he asked.

"Water please um..."

"My name's Changbin." Changbin smiled at me.

"I'm Chan." Changbin handed me a glass of water and I took a sip. Someone else then ran into the area behind the bar and behind Changbin. He looked at me and held out a container.

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