1. Singing To The Spirits

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This both is and is not a rewrite of my story The Will Of Two Worlds, chapter releases will be slow as I am doing my research on this story to make it as beautiful as I can. So, readers, enjoy the very first chapter of Life Force!

"Oh, Great Kiyote, sing through me." I called out, "Sing the songs of old through the wind, through the rain, through the clouds, through the heat of the sun upon my skin..." I sang out, immersing myself in the wind, the scent of rain upon the wind, the distant rumble of thunder, the heat of the sun upon my skin... I raised my hands to the sky above, sensing Kiyote all around me, her presence the strong guardian of our home.

"Oh Great Kiyote... through you, we sing, through you, we live, we laugh, we play. Oh Great Kiyote, you breathe into us, live through us, and guard us... you, Great Kiyote, give so much for us. Through you, we live, through us, you live. Great Kiyote, sing into me the songs of the past, sing into me all I must know. For on the morrow... the quest you gave me begins!" I sang out louder and louder, the wind stealing my words and sending them far away to Kiyote's ears.

"Oh Great Kiyote! Breathe into me words of wisdom, of guidance, and I shall follow your will! Sing into me what I must know, for on the morrow, I shall begin my Quest of The Spirits!" I called out on the wind once more, focusing on the world around me as my singing to the winds fell silent.

I listened to the winds whistling around me, the calls of the ancients forever locked within the wind, their tales only Kiyote can understand and hear. I listened to the tree rustling behind me in the wind, feeling some of it's loose leaves gently land on or around me. The distant thunder grew louder...

'Follow... where the wind takes you... never go backwards...' The wind seemed to whisper as it blew strong into my face, filling me with the warmth and strength I need for my quest. I smiled and opened my eyes, staring out at the late afternoon sun, the rolling clouds far, far below... Likely raining below from the low clouds that form off of the mountain. I looked up at the wind carrying a few leaves out into the sky and signed happily.

"I thank you, Great Kiyote, for your guidance, and will follow the Quest you gave me, till the end." I whispered on the wind, blinking rapidly as my heart ached. "And sing along the winds to those we have lost, and let them know we will fight to thrive on, in their honor." I said sadly as the winds seemed to wrap around me like a hug, and a Steller's Sea Eagle cry filled the sky, the call of Kiyote's children. I glanced down below, seeing the majestic eagle flying over the clouds before they dove down.

I uncrossed my legs and sat for a moment on the Spire Of The Spirits, staring out at the beauty of my home... the very last night I will see the beautiful island of our home.

Kyometa, or 'The Heart Of The Eagle' is a beautiful, protected place. With all of her combined might and the many faced Spirit, Kiyote uses the wind, the heat of the sun, the clouds, and the rains to keep those who do not believe in her guidance away. While we know of the outside world... very few out there know of us. They know there is islands in this area... but those outside think it is a poisoned and unlivable as it is land on the east coast of what was once part of the USA. Kiyote protects us, but none know why she did not show the many faced spirit she is until our world nearly ended. Our ancestors, sometime around 2070, which was several hundred years ago, listened to the call of Kiyote on the winds, when our lands were dying, our people facing death. Many of us are from many backgrounds. Navajo, Southern Quechua, Kechi, Yucatec, Cherokee, Sioux... From all over the world, those who never stopped caring for the land, heard the call of Kiyote and came together on this group of islands formed in the tsunami that destroyed the east coast of the USA.

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