Chapter 16- Christmas

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The party wasn't as big as Gryffindor parties because there were less people, but James was happy to have his friends with him. Lily was drunk. Marlene was drunk. Remus was drunk. Regulus was drunk. He couldn't tell if Mary was drunk or sober. He was drunk. But Sirius was absolutely wasted. Worse than that. He chugged three bottles of fire whisky that he stole from some Ravenclaw before leaving school. He was screaming Queen and David Bowie. He had turned the living room upside down. When midnight struck and James realised his parents would be home soon, he panicked. He started lifting tables and fixing cushions of seats.

"Prongsssss! What are you at?" Sirius yelled to James. James scowled at him and continued fixing everything.

"James, What's wrong?" Regulus said softly to James with a hand on his shoulders. "As soon as the clock chimed you went pale and starting fussing."

"My parents will be home soon. I don't want them to be disappointed in me." 

Regulus seemed to understand and began to clean. Mary having that special bond with James knew as well and was cleaning the other side of the room. Remus was asleep on the floor and Lily was watching Mary from the bean bag. Marlene was puking in the bathroom but Sirius was still yelling queen. 

"Pads, can you help?" James yelled over the music. Sirius ignored and kept singing. "Padfoot!"

"I'm not cleaning Prongs."

"Sirius. Help. Out." Regulus said through gritted teeth. Sirius proceeded to ignore.

"SIRIUS!" James screamed which made the music stop and everyone stop. Remus woke up and sat upright watching. Sirius stopped and glared and James. Everyone was silent watching what would happen next. "Help me."

Sirius got down and grabbed his wand. "Scourgify,"

Everyone gaped at him. He had just used magic outside of school.

"Sirius!" Mary said.

"Pads..." James whispered.

"Black!" Marlene said as she returned from the bathroom. "Wait. Why are we calling Sirius?"

"He just used magic outside school," Lily explained still gaping. 

Remus was shaking his head but the only person who hadn't reacted was Regulus.

"Nice one, Siri!" He said smiling at his brother. Everyone turned to him then to Sirius and back to him. 

"Reg, he used magic outside of school and underage. This isn't good." Lily said.

"Jesus Evans, and you're supposed to be the smartest of us all," Sirius finally said. Lily turned to him and glared. "They aren't gonna know I used the spell cause i'm in a magical house so they'll assume it was one of the Potters,"

"Wait! You mean I could've used magic whenever I wanted," James whined. Sirius nodded.

"Sirius used to do it when we were little, He would take me to his room and do little spells to amuse me," Regulus explained. "No one came barging down our door because the Blacks are the most powerful wizards and witches. The ministry just assumed it was one of our family members,"

Sirius smiled at Regulus. Just as they all stood taking this all in, the door opened and in walked Euphemia and Fleamont.

"Wow guys!" She said looking around. "Did you guys clean instead?" 

"The place is cleaner then before we left," Fleamont said admiring his clean house.

"Nah, just relaxed a bit," James said sitting back.

"Girls would you like to stay the night?" 

"If you don't mind," Lily said. Sirius rolled his eyes at her manners.

The girls shared a room together. Lily and Mary on one bed and Marlene in a double bed beside them. It was a big room. James and Regulus spent the night in James' room and Remus in Sirius' room.


On Christmas morning, the gang went down to find they all had about three presents each. The girls headed home after breakfast. While the lads took James' new quidditch set outside and had a big game. The Potters versus the Blacks. Remus and Euphemia sat on the porch reading. Because there was only four of them, they played first to 200. James and Fleamont won by 10.

Euphemia started on dinner, while the lads relaxed in the sitting room watching muggle Christmas movies Remus brought. They watched Rudolph the red nosed reindeer and now they were starting Frosty the snowman. 

"Wanna go out for a walk?" Regulus whispered to James who looked down to him. 

They went out and walked up the lane down to the lake which was frozen over.

"One year, me and Sirius skated over this lake and it broke under Sirius and we panicked so much but mum had put a charm on it so that if we fell in it would be warm."

"Sirius and I...." Regulus corrected him smiling.

James rolled his eyes and wrapped Regulus into him.

"I love you, James" Regulus whispered into his torso. James smiled and kissed Regulus.

"I love you too!"

                                                             The end.

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