Chapter 11- The Potter House

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Once the train came to a hault outside the station, the boys began grabbing their trunks and entering the already crowded halls.

"Move out of the way!" Sirius yelled. "Make way for mwah!"

Remus shook his head in embarrassment while James and Regulus laughed. Thankfully, Sirius' stupid idea of getting them off the train quick worked for some bizarre reason. Mr. Potter and Mrs. Potter were standing at the near exist from the station. James waved at them to get their attention. Once they saw James they waved back.

"Imma just say goodbye to Moony," Sirius said and left the two. The girls came over to say their goodbyes and the Potters walked over to greet their son.

"Hello sweetie!" Mrs. Potter embraced her son. 

"How was the year so far?" Mr. Potter asked with a wink. "Any new pranks?"

"Don't encourage that Fleamont!" Euphemia said hitting him on the arm.

"They need a bit of a laugh in these times Euphemia,"

"It was great dad!" James said. "I'll tell you the pranks later." He whispered into his dads ear. Fleamont winked.

"This must be Regulus," Euphemia said embracing Regulus with a hug. Regulus wasn't used to this type of kindness and was very wary. "I've heard so much about you from James."

"Where's Sirius?" Fleamont asked looking around.

"With Remus," Regulus said and instantly regretted it, he wasn't being spoken too. Out of nowhere Sirius yelled from down the platform.

"EFFIE!" He yelled running into Euphemia's open arms. "I've missed you so much, more than James." James rolled his eyes in this remark.

James and Sirius walked ahead with Fleamont chatting about Quidditch, There try outs and the pranks.

"Our prank was better," Regulus piped in. James rolled his eyes.

"Oh please," Sirius scoffed. "We could do better in our sleep."

"No one pranks better than us," James said.

"Do it then," Regulus calmly said. "Do it in your sleep."



When they arrived back at the Potters house. James got out first and unlocked the door. He stepped in and looked back around to Sirius who was carrying his trunk in and Regulus who was just standing at the door like he had to be invited in. James called him in and Regulus obliged. As soon as Regulus stepped in the warmth of the house hit him. It was also much bigger on the inside. It was so small on the outside you'd swear only one person lived here but once you stepped inside it was like Hogwarts. Huge!

"James, show Regulus his room," Euphemia said floating the trunks up the stairs.

"I get my own room?" Regulus asked James.

"Of course, We have five spare rooms."

Salazar they were rich! Regulus followed James up the spiral staircase onto a huge landing. Big enough to park three muggle cars. He looked down three different hallways. One hallway Sirius went down and he assumed was a bathroom and another room. Down another was Mr. and Mrs. Potters room, a master bathroom, a study and a guest bedroom. Down the other was James' bedroom, his bedroom, a bathroom, a gym and a storage room. Regulus gaped at the upstairs. It was nice than his own home. Ten times nicer. Ten times cozier.

"That's your room, across from mine" he winked at Regulus who blushed. Regulus looked out a window which showed a garden. There was basically quidditch pitch in the back without the stands. He was flabbergasted. There was also a green house and gardening patch which he assumed belonged to Mrs. Potter. Regulus moved to the window facing the front of the house. There was the Potters massive muggle car which Mr. Potter used magic to drive. There was a stone path from the gate at the front and from the driveway. There was tall hedges going around the whole house like gates. except they weren't there when they pulled up. Regulus looked at James with a questioning look.

"The house is charmed," James explained. "As soon as dad pulls into the driveway and the charm recognizes him the house and its surroundings transform into what you see now."  

Regulus couldn't believe the magic he was hearing. James still went on.

"Even if someone was using Polyjuice potion pretending to be my dad it wouldn't change. Has to be my dad." Regulus thought for a moment. What if his dad died before his mum? He knew he didn't say this outloud but James was able to read his mind.

"If dad dies before mum, then the charm changes to her, and the changes to me, and then changes to whoever I marry and then to my future child. Supposing they want the house but it will always be here you know. My grandparents used to live her. Mum changed it around a bit but still standing."

Regulus couldn't think of anything to say other than. "Wow."

James smiled proudly and walked to the door of Regulus' bedroom. He opened the door and let Regulus look around. It was mostly green to match his dorm back at Hogwarts. It was amazing! He loved it. James let the trunk find the ground and then closed the door behind him. He smirked at Regulus who had now found new confidence.




"You didn't let me finish,"

"Fine. Go on..."!

Regulus sat on the bed waiting to hear what James was going to say even though he knew.

"We didn't get to finish yesterday,"

Regulus smiled remembering their encounter last night. 

"No." Regulus said which made James' face drop. "Another time, Anyway I can smell dinner from here." 

James rolled his eyes and went downstairs followed by Regulus. Sirius was already in the kitchen but Regulus couldn't help but slow down enough to look around. The entrance was so round and big. One door led off to their living room which Regulus peeped into. It was huge and very red. Mr. and Mrs. Potter were defiantly Gryffindor's. Another door led to a bathroom, one to another study, another to a utility and another to the kitchen. Regulus walked into the kitchen. Compared to the rest of the house the kitchen was small and cozy. There was a big table in the middle and the back door was at the back. James and Sirius were fighting and Mr. Potter was laughing at them. Mrs. Potter dished the dinner onto plates, sent them to the table and sat down herself. 

"Sit down Reg," Sirius said grabbing his fork. Regulus sat beside James who brushed his leg against Regulus' causing Regulus to blush.

"Dig in all!" Mrs. Potter said and they all began eating the delicious dinner laid infront of them.

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