Chapter 6- The Quidditch Game

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"James! Get up!" Sirius roared to a sleepy James.

"I'm up! I'm up!" James said sitting himself up on his bed. He looked out the window to see the weather so he would know what flying conditions would be like and he wasn't pleased to see a thick blanket of snow on the ground and the snow still falling.

"Looks like the first quidditch game of the season is in the nice winter snow," Remus teased.

"Well I'm going to be moving around. You're gonna be standing still in the stands," James said laughing to himself.

"Fair enough,"

James changed into his quidditch robes and headed for the great hall to grab a bite to eat before the game. He waited in the common room for Remus and Sirius who were getting changed. Remus was out first with his Gryffindor jumper, hat and scarf on and Sirius followed after in his Gryffindor quidditch robes.

"Why are you wearing quidditch robes? You're not on the team!" James said getting annoyed as it was way to early for him to have his patience tested.

"One of your beaters dropped out of the team and Minnie came and asked me if I wanted to play beater,"

"Oh that's great news I just wish I was told,"

The three headed for the great hall to have their breakfast before the game.

"We are gonna trash them!" Sirius cheered.

"Kill them..." James said absent mindly.

"You ok Prongs?" Remus asked.

"Yeah fine just nervous you know?"

"You! The famous king Potter! Nervous?" came a voice from behind them. It was Lily, Mary and Marlene.

"Get lost Evans," James said turning back around trying to ignore her.

"Aw looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," She teased. "I'm only messing with you Potter. Good Luck!"

With that the three girls  walked off. Sirius dropped his mouth.

"Jesus Prongs I think she might just be into you!"

James and Sirius sat down opposite each other and ate some toast. Remus pulled out his book and started reading while munching down on a slice of toast.

The Slytherin team headed into the hall altogether to put the Gryffindor team off and show that they were prepared. They sat down quietly and grabbed something to eat. Regulus was among the team and he looked pale with nerves.

"Reg eat!" Alexander Nott said to him. "We need you on energy."

"Give him a break Nott!" Bella said. "It's his first game."

Regulus grabbed a bowl on cereal and began eating slowly as the team began to chat about beating Gryffindor. Regulus looked up to the Gryffindor table and saw the messy haired boy he had been looking for. He hadn't realized he was staring until James turned his head and made eye contact with him. Neither of them looked away and it was like everyone in the hall disappeared and it was just him and James.

"Reg!" He heard someone call which made him look away.

"Yes?" He said looking around to see who called him.

"Best of luck!" Narcissa said.

"Oh Thank you!"

Regulus turned his stare back to the Gryffindor table to meet those hazel brown eyes which were staring back.

"Come on Prongs!" He heard Sirius say. "We want to be the first down there. Good look for the captain."

"Yeah you're right!" James said looking away. "Come on lets go."

Regulus watched him and Sirius walk out of the great hall and he decided to head down as well.

"Oh I can't wait to play!" Sirius said as they walked down to the pitch.

"Yeah.." James said.

"What does a beater do exactly?" Sirius asked.

"Basically you have to hit the other team with a bludger,"

"Ohh makes sense now,"

"Ok good,"

When the two boys got down to the pitch, Sirius ran into the changing room while James stood outside it for a couple of seconds. Regulus came down and stood beside him and looked up at him. James didn't bother looking down. What ever feelings he thought he had for Regulus he had to put aside until after the game.

"Prongs! Quick get in here!" He heard Sirius shout from inside the changing room. James walked in and slammed the door shut on Regulus. Regulus was surprised at first but decided to forget it when he heard Lucius call him from inside their changing room.

"I don't care what you guys do out there just bring us the victory!" James said. "You're working as a team as well,"

The Gryffindor team walked out of the changing room and walked out onto the pitch shortly followed by the Slytherin team lead by Lucius Malfoy. James glared and Lucius and avoided Regulus eye. Sirius winked at his younger brother who smiled back. 

"Mount your brooms!" Madam Hooch shouted. James swung his left leg over his broom and waiting for Madam Hooch to say go. "And... Play!"

James flew into the air and grabbed the quaffle and headed straight for the goalposts. He passed to Marlene who got around Nott and passed it back to James and he had open shot and he scored.

"POTTER SCORES!" shouted the commentator. "TEN POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR!" 

And then game continued. Marlene got possession of the quaffle and passes it to Frank Longbottom who passes it to James who passes it to Marlene who scores.


Gryffindor didn't switch off once. James gets the quaffle and passes it to Frank who flew in and took the shot but it was saved but the Slytherin keeper. 

"Oh and the keeper saves the Gryffindor shot! Oh and wait a minute, has the Slytherin seeker spotted the snitch! Looks like it!"

James spun around and spotted Regulus chasing after something. He looked around for his seeker and spotted him ahead of Regulus.

"James!" He heard someone shout and saw Marlene looking for a pass. She threw it to James who took his chance and shot at the goal and he scored.


It was down to the two seekers who were arms out ready to catch it. James noticed the quaffle falling from Lucius' arms and he flew for it and caught it but then the Gryffindor seeker catches the snitch and Regulus flies into James and They collide and all goes black...

The Ultimate Prank!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora