Chapter 7- The Hospital Wing

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"Shut up Padfoot! He's trying to sleep!" Remus whispered to Sirius.

"Bit late now" James said opening his eyes. Sirius smiled. "Miss me?"

"Uh obviously," Sirius said doing his secret handshake with his bestfriend. 

"What happened anyway?" James asked the two.

"Well You went for the quaffle and the two seekers were head to head for the snitch and Gryffindor caught it so we won but as you were going for the quaffle you collided with Reg."

"And is he ok?"

The two boys pointed to the bed beside him. Regulus was fast asleep in his bed. Even when he slept he looked cute James thought to himself. 

"He woke up earlier on so he's not knocked out right now he's just sleeping,"

James just nodded but didn't ask anymore questions.

"Out boys!" Madam Pomfrey said pointing at the door. Remus got up politely and grabbed his bag while Sirius had a tantrum about it.

"Whyyyyyy?" He cried but he never got an answer because Remus just dragged him out. Madam Pomfrey attended to Regulus . He woke up and looked over at James who was looking at him. 

"Sorry," he muttered . James looked over surprised.

"It's not your fault!" James said. "I flew into you."

"Yeah," Regulus whispered rubbing his head. 

"So what are you doing for the Christmas holidays?" James asked trying to change the subject from him flying into Regulus.

"Staying here."

"Well, Would you like to come stay with me and Sirius at my house?"

"No thank you!"

"Oh come on. It'll be fun!"

"I don't want to put pressure on your parents..."

"They'd love to have you over so don't worry about that!"

"Oh alright!"

James smiled at Regulus who returned it. Madam Pomfrey came back over to the boys holding a piece of parchment. 

"Mr. Potter you are free to go!" Madam Pomfrey said pointing to the door. "You too, Mr. Black!"

The two boys slowly got out of the bed and walked to the door. James had the erge to hold Regulus' hand but thought not to because it might make him feel uncomfortable. Wait a minute! Did he just want to hold Regulus' hand? Does he like Regulus? No he doesn't, Or does he? The two boys parted ways outside the Great Hall, James heading for Gryffindor tower and Regulus heading for Slytherin dungeon.

"So..." Narcissa said when Regulus returned from the Hospital Wing. He gave them a confused look and Bella stepped in to answer on behalf of Narcissa.

"You were alone in the hospital wing with Potter," She said grinning and wiggling her eyebrows.

"For like five minutes," 

"How? You've been there for at least three hours!" Narcissa said.

"Sirius and Remus,"


Regulus grabbed his book and opened it to start reading as to avoid anymore questions from the girls but they continued to sit in front of him waiting to see if he had anything good to say.

"James..." He began which made the girls sit up. "Invited me to stay with him and Sirius for the Christmas break."

"He what?!"

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