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It's late at night. Frances woke up to loud meowing. She sat up in her bed. Her hair a bed head mess.

"Kitty..?" She mumbled sleepily and blinked her sleepy eyes. She looked over.

The grey tabby is now off her bed. Sitting in the middle of the floor. Staring directly at Frances's opened closet. Now quiet.

"Kitty..there's no monsters, I think. Why loud?" She asked sleepily. Before moving her blue gaze away from the closet and to the door.

Kurt was sitting inside of it. She went wide eyed. "Daddy!" She beamed. Kurt turned his head. "Shh." He muttered.

Frances climbed out of the bed. She rushed over. "Why are you in the closet, daddy?"

Kurt smiled. He looked over at his daughter. "I wanted to protect you from the monsters." He replied.

"Come out. Mommy's sleeping." Frances whispered. Kurt carefully climbed himself out of the tiny closet.

He stretched. Angel wings flapped for a moment before they lowered. Frances stared at the wings in awee.

She rushed over and hugged her father. "Daddy has wings..I forgot." She whispered. Grinning now ear-to-ear.

Kurt rubbed her daughters back. "You'll get them." He muttered. Frances pulled back. Staring up at her father with innocent eyes.


"Later..much later. When you're old. Very old." Kurt mumbled as he stared at his daughter with love.

Frances stared back. "But, you're not very old."

Kurt laughed softly. He scooped up his daughter in his arms and carried her to her bed. His angel wings draped down his sides in a relaxed matter.

"Sometimes, people get their angel wings earlier than they want it to be." Kurt replied as he held in his daughter in his arms. Sitting on the bed.

"Oh." Frances muttered. Her small hand extending outwards. She feels the small white feathery wings.

"Mommy says you aren't real."

Kurt frowned. His hand went up and brushed her bed head hair out of her eyes. "I'm very real."

Frances frowned. "She yelled at me. Told me you are dead. Again." Tears rise into her eyes. She lifted her sad gaze.

"Well.." Kurt sighed. He looked into his daughters eyes. "I'm, not really alive either."

"What?" Frances muttered. Tears rolling down her cheeks. Kurt used his thumb to wipe her face.

"Let me explain, sweetheart." Kurt muttered. Frances held onto her father. Her head laying onto her father's chest.

"I..well," Kurt cleared his throat. "Alot of people, can't see me. Because they don't believe it. They," he paused. Petting his daughters hair as he looked down at her.

Her innocent blue eyes looking up at him. A small smile rises to her face. "Just like Santa Claus?"

"Yeah! Kinda. Some people believe in Santa, and they see him. Others don't, and they can't."

Frances smiled. "But I believe. But you aren't Santa. I know Santa." She giggled. Kurt laughed softly alongside.

"Yeah, but I mean. Some people can see me, others can't." He replied. Frances started to understand.

"So, why does daddy have wings?" She decided to ask. Her blue eyes staring at the white feathery wings now.

Kurt sighed. He kissed his daughters head. "Because I just do." He muttered.

Frances hummed as she crawled out of her father's arms. "Daddy! I drew this picture." She exclaimed as she picks it up. Handing it to him.

Kurt held the drawing. He teared up in joy. "it's cute. You're very good at art. When I was your age.. all I would do is art."

Frances giggled and crawled herself back onto the bed. Kurt stood up.
He saw the tear drop stained onto the paper.

He frowned a bit but folded the paper. "it's late sweetheart. You need to get to sleep now." He said.

Frances looked at the clock. It read 1:30AM. She yawned. "Otay.." she mumbled.

Kurt tucked Frances in. "You'll see me tomorrow." He mumbled. Frances heard. She sat up. "I will? You come at night."

Kurt smiled. "I want to see you during the daytime, too." Frances grinned. She leaned her head up and kissed her father's cheek.


"Shh. It's bedtime now." Kurt mumbled as he tucked her back in. Frances looked up and teared up.

"Don't leave me." She whispered out. Her little hand lightly reaching for her father.

Kurt held Frances's hand. He sat on the bed.

"I won't." He replied.

Angel - Kaveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें