Chapter 2--> Hot Son Of A Bitch

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Well chapter 2 is here and I hope you enjoy it!!

🎶Sean Paul- no lie🎶

{{Chapter 2 - - >Hot Son Of A Bitch}}

Gabriella's POV:

So today is the last day I get to spend time with my family, well most of them. Turns out there was a problem with dads company that he needed to stay behind. It wasn't on purpose.

I'm currently walking with aunt J, Dom and Lucy in the mall. Aunt J got some cute outfits for her, Dom and Lucy while I got me a notebook and a few art supplies. I was still walking through the aisle looking fir at least three canvases when i bumped into someone.

All of the supplies I had fell on the floor along with the basket. I looked up while rubbing my forehead and suddenly frose. Right in front of me, and I'm not over boasting, was a damn hot greek god.

"If you're xone staring, here's your basket back." he said. Wow even his voice was dreamy. Oh, stop saying that. You aren't a fucking slut. You are practically eye raping this man.

"uhm, thanks for the help. Sorry my name Gabriella" I introduced myself. He stared at me and suddenly a smirk appeared on his so kissable lips.

"Hi, Gabriella. The names Lorenzo, Enzo for short. Anyway I hope you have a great day." he said and walked away. I stared after him a bit and then grabed the three canvases and steped into the que.

After paying I found my aunt and headed straight to them. We walked throug the mall and eventually found a food court to go to. We took a seat near the windows and we ordered our drinks and food.

I excused myself from the table and went to the restroom. On my way to the rest room walked into a huge wall I'm sure wasn't there. When I looked up I was blushing my face off.

"Looks like you make it a habit to bump into people. And I don't think I'm a wall luce del sole." he said. (T: sunshine)

"Oh, uh. I was on my way to the restroom and I didn't see you I was lo-" he cut me off with a chuckle and looked at me amused.

"Just give me your phone." he said and placed his phone number in it. He then walked away and I realized I just gave this hot son of a bitch my phone number and be just demanded it. So bossy but I can't say it doesn't suit him.

I finished my business in the restroom and saw him sitting nearby and in range to just stare at me. He looked up and saw me staring and I looked away blushing. I took my seat next to my brother and Lucy decided it was time to embarrass me.

"So who got your face lokking like a tomato." she said giggling and I blushed fifty shades of red. They all busted out laughing and Lorenzo looked over to our table. He sent a wink in my direction and it was awful.

"Guys, please leave me alone. I'll tell you but please don't freak out, especially you Lucy." I pointed my finger at her. She gasped and faked hurt by placing her hand on her chest.

"If you look over at table 6 you would see a man dressed in a suit drinking coffee and smiling. I bumped into him in the craft store and again here at the resrooms. We exchanged a few words and now we have each other's numbers." I said. But quickly l added," please don't tell dad."

Aunt J giggled and said," Honey no matter how much you try to hide things from your father he always knows. No matter what. " I visually paled and looked at aunt J and then to Lucy. She was also just as white as a bedsheet. Just when I was about to look back at aunt J, I saw Lorenzo looking at me with a frown on his face.

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