Chapter 1--> Graduation

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Hey folks. So you got a sneak peak at what you are expecting. The next time I update will be with the few new characters that will be included and the old ones are still available. So enjoy the chappie and vote, don't forget to comment as well.

🎶Towards the sun - Rihanna🎶

{{chapter 1 - - > Graduation}}

Gabriella's POV:

It's been 3 years since I have moved here to Italy. I can speak a bit of Italian now but just a few morw weeks to goand I'll be done learning. I finished my lawyer degree in one and a half years and I am finally graduating from my arts degree. Then I'm going to work in the law firm for a little bit while I am bussy in my art studio on weekends.

I'm finally going to leave my old past behind me and get to move on. Let me fill you in. The for the first year it was great and all but after the new years party I was walking home when...

⚠️⚠️ TW RAPE ⚠️⚠️

I was walking down the street the music of the club was still as loud as ever. I looked up to the stars and saw their beauty. Mom always loved the stars. I felt a lone tear falling down my cheak.

"Hey cutie, wanna join me tonight?" a stranger asked me.

"I'm sorry but I got to decline. I have someone waiting for me and I don't want to disappoint them." I told and started walking away. He grabbed my arm and pushed me against the wall.

"Please let me go. I have to go home." I begged. But he didn't want to let go.

"A beauty like you should have thought of that after leaving at night. Now how about we have some fun, aye?"  he said and you could smell the alcohol reek of him.

I struggled against him while he started undressing me. He yelled something I couldn't hear due to my sobs and felt an extra pair of hands grab my hands and tied them up above my head.

I started to kick non stop and another pair of hands grabbed my legs and kept them open. I couldn't see the other two's faces because my tears made my vision blurry. After a while of trashing around I got tired but I didn't stop crying. I could feel his hands all over me and i tried to fight back but failed.

I could hear him taking off his pants. I started to sob all over again and begged.

"P-please j-just s-stop.!" i sobbed out. A wack came across my face and I then I felt him enter me roughly. I heard him laughing maniacally and spoke.

"Still as innocent as the flower I'm about to take." he sai and I heard two more chuckles.

I heard a siren in the distance and when it got closer I was blinded by the lights. I heard shuffling and a few curses. They ran away while I heard the authorities. My last words I said were clear.

" Please don't tell m-my dad. Call Lucy o-on my phone and tell h-her to h-help." after saying that I blacked out.

⚠️⚠️ TW RAPE ENDED⚠️⚠️

**End of flashback**

So there you have it. Thats what happened and Lucy helped me with the problem I never went to a therapist because I didn't find it necessary. So after a week of nightmares I finally went back to college and studied my last semester of law classes.

I am currently searching for my cap so I can leave for the graduation, but I could not find it anywhere.

"Hey Ella you gotta hurry we are graduating soon. Get your butt out of that room!" Lucy yelled from the kitchen.

"Fucking hell Lucy I'm coming, I have to look for my damn cap!!" I yelled back.

After searching for at least a few minutes, I grabbed it and ran down the stairs. I saw Lucy waiting and I grabbed the car keys and got into the car. After Lucy got in. I drove fast down the road and into the parking lot.

We got out set our caps ready and went to take our seats. Dad couldn't make it so aunt J was here with Dominic. Dom wore a suit while aunt J wore a floral dress.

The professor called a few of my classmates up and gave them their certification (a/n i don't know what they call that :-P) and stepped down next they called Lucy and she stepped up. She shook the professor's hand and stepped down the stage.

"Next whe have Gabriella Hope Saunders. She graduates from the college of the Arts and she already graduated from college of law. Congratulations and may you have a wonderful life and follow your dream." be shook my hand and I gave him a soft smile back. I stepped down after giving a small thank you.

After the announcements were done everyone could depart and celebrate. Aunt J and Dom waited near the gates where they parked. Dam ran up to me and gave me a big hug.

"I am so pround of you sis, I knew you could do it." he said and aunt J also joined the hug.

"Thanks Fratello, ti voglio tanto bene. " I said and he laughed. ( T: thanks brother, I love you so much.)

"What did you say sis?" he asked.

"I said I love you so much, brother."

"Aww, thanks sis. Ti amo to you to." he said while laughing. I jist shook my bead in response. ( T:I love you)

I introduced Lucy to them and we caught up with each other. After a long talk and lots of laughs. Aubt J and Dom went to their hotel because they were leaving the day after tomorrow.

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