Chapter 3

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Adrien Cadel

As I enter my house it begins to feel colder than the bishops. With the harsh white walls desperate to prove their right to be here, and the cold unoriginal exterior that screams desperate to be seen as the greatest, the wealthiest, the most influential. The entire house screams insecurity. No wonder he basically sold me to the Bishops, they're everything he wants to be. Rich and secure yet they appear humble and they're never desperate to seek approval from others.

The further I walk through the house the deader it gets and the angrier I grow.

I picture Avery this weekend, her smile the way she was so excited for her life how she emanated so much excitement Friday afternoon, then the way one talk with her dad killed all her happiness.

George what a shit. I used to adore George the way he actually cared for Avery and Caleb, or that was the way I perceived it, but that's not true a loving father who really cared for their children wouldn't sell their daughter to a random boy when she was 5.

Her life was sold when she could barely even understand the concept of the world she was born in and what's worse she was sold to me. Her brother's best friend. It hurts to see the amount of life that she snuffs out to ensure people see her the way her father wants.

It's weird I always saw her as a person of life and light, I always thought she ignored everyone because she didn't care about what they thought of her but really, she was never meant to be a part of the group she was always supposed to be above. that's why everyone always talks about her she's succeeded she's an untouchable person but she's not a person to anyone no one except Caleb, to everyone else she's a persona of who she projects to the world.

All this time I've idolized her for not caring about the way people perceive her I always thought she never wanted to rule the school. When in reality her father has forced her to be this person who is seen to not care what people think to ensure that people crave her approval, and I didn't even know. I've spent years watching her and I didn't realise who she truly was until today.

I'm awoken from my thoughts by a question "the vacations next week, right?" Arthur says from a chair, he's sitting alone in a room.

"Yes, I believe you would know that given you and George arranged this." I state. He gives me an annoyed look as though I'm not even good enough to argue with anymore.

"Do try and talk to her this year, we arrange these trips to bring the two of you together and you are running out of time" is all he says before he turns away from me. Which simply means he's done. Telling me to leave, but I'm still fuming. This is the same thing George said to Avery only less forward, he was asking her to socialise but no with anyone with me. How dare they.

"Why is she forced to be with me? When was this decision made?" I snap turning to him, ensuring I continue to keep a neutral tone.

"When you underperformed becoming my heir, I need you to be good for something and she offered that opportunity. She was never supposed to have any other life, but an arranged marriage just be glad we made it you" he turns to me with cold indifference.

I slump, what was I even thinking. "It shouldn't be me; she should get someone else" I say. This seemed to have angered Arthur.

A sharp slash vibrated through my body. "You little piece of shit" he screamed grabbing a hold of my chest. "You just don't understand, it needs to be you" he continues shaking me then another sharp pain radiates through the left side of my face and metallic taste feels my mouth. "now go before I destroy your face and we have no hope of ever getting their status" he says before finally letting me go.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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