Chapter 1

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Luna is the single only thing I love more than reading. Only because she helps me escape just as well as reading does. I'm lucky I know that I can get whatever I want whenever I want, but that doesn't mean I'm happy. Mum and Dad are rich so automatically I SHOULD be happy. But I'm not because I don't get to live my life. I get to live the life they want and need from me. So does my brother. But at least he gets to achieve something. My job is to be married of to another fancy empire. Caleb's job is to create a new wing of the family empire.

But I guess this is where I am. I just wish I was someone like Jude, a human girl taken in by her foster father who murdered her parents in front of her and then kidnapped her twin and her half-sister who was her foster father's real daughter.

That life does sound like hell but at least she got to make something of herself there, that was for her and not for her 'parents'. but I try not to think about these things, because until I'm eighteen it's not real, they can't marry me off before then. Well, they can promise me to someone, but they can't marry me off to them.

"AVERY! I'm going to be late! Hurry up!" my brother calls out to me. Caleb loves going to school probably because he's surrounded by people who love him and understand him. When I go to school, I'm surrounded by terrifying girls who either want to be me or are out to destroy me so they can be me and boys who see me as a potential wife.

Safe to say it's better to just read and do my schoolwork. As I leave, I throw on my uniform which is a navy-blue V-neck jumper over a white shirt a plaid skirt and finally white cotton socks with my shiny black shoes before throwing my hair up in a messy bun. I give my cat Luna a quick kiss, as she sleeps beside my pile of books on my un-made bed before running out of my room with my new book and school bag.

"what took you so long Avery? We are going to be so late now. Adrian will be so mad" my brother says in a nervous rant. He cares way too much about his stupid friends. They always wait for him when he's late. Its super weird because I don't even think they like him that much, yet every single day they wait for him to arrive before heading off to their years wing.

Caleb practically drags me into the car as we leave, so I don't even get any breakfast which sucks because last night I made myself homemade pop tarts for breakfast.

When we arrive at school Caleb practically sprints out of the car as quickly as he can. Leaving me behind.

I make my way out slowly. Taking in the enormous school I know I've been going here since I was 6 but it's still terrifying, from the giant old English castle style architecture to the dozens of kids in uniform. We're here early as usual because Caleb is paranoid that one day his friends will just leave him. That means that my favourite spot in the common room will still be free. It's in the very back behind the last bookshelf, right beside a window that overlooks the back garden the only garden they let grow. It's almost magical it reminds me of every magic garden in all the books I've read

As we make our way into the common room, I see Caleb dash over to his friends they're all talking, the first person I spot is Jacob who quickly spots me and waves. I give him a small wave and smile. I beg my eyes not to roam but my eyes quickly go to the only person not talking with the boys. Adrian he was staring at his phone with a giddy smile on his face as though he had just seen something sickly sweet, and he couldn't help but let a smile slip. As Caleb said hello Adrian's smile was quickly replaced by a frown as his eyes wandered the room. And I knew exactly who he's looking for.

ME. Every day since the third grade Adrian has watched me arrive every morning. Not just arrive but whenever we are in a room together, he stares at me, as though he can't look away almost as if he did, I would disappear. It absolutely terrifies me. I've never spoken to Adrian I try so hard to avoid him. Even if I must acknowledge his friends because they're my brothers' friends. I will never acknowledge him. He terrifies me.

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