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Every creative endeavour I make ends with you and only you

Way down low- Johnny Goth


And I've decided that the only way I can exist freely is by rising with the clouds and viewing my art from above. By falling from the sky. I may be a pothead, but Im sure of it, Im destined for greatness. The blood oozing out of his wrists didnt faze him in anyway. 

He rose higher on the acid with every step. He looked down on his forearms and admired the lacerations in skin. He walked along the path before everything became inverted and he walked along the line of lucidity. Everything looked cartoonish to him, childish, warped and super saturated. Blood dripped onto the sidewalk as he maneuvered it. He did it because he was tired of the scrutiny. Tired of being observed. No stiches could heal the scars he inflicted on himself. He remembered hurting. Hurting because he knew that Vorissa Sekana had touched herself to the thought of another man. He knew it in his heart, his bleeding heart. 

Then he remebered pressing the surgical blades that he stole from Landry into the thin skin around his wrists. And taking the acid. The rest was a blur. The doorway was smeared with blood. Everywhere he looked was smeared with blood. All he saw was red. Deep crimson red. There was blood in his hair too, it had tinged the platinum blonde to a deep maroon. He remembered writing down the rules on the wall with his own blood.

A liar and a dreamer. He was a liar and dreamer but the thing with telling the truth is that you don't have nearly have as much to keep track of. Most were honest with him when they told him he deserved to die. The others were dishonest when they said to him, all souls deserve to be valued. Even when theyre the scum of the earth and  they tell others they deserve to die.

He was upside down. Everything was upside down. Including his perception of the outside world, the garden. The coffee shops, convienience stores, gas stations and rose bushes around him. It was all inverted and covered in rainbow jelly that refracted light as though it was a triangular prism. He felt his heart beat once, twice, then twice again then his world collapsed inwards. He walked on each triangular plane , avoiding the black abyss of nothingness. He had nothing but caffiene and acid in his system, double amphetamine. He could feel his head getting lighter, his heart working over time. He could feel that his pupils were dilated, he could feel the amphetamine eyes, dilated and amber in all their glory.

The world collapsed inward again. And he felt his heart over working and his blood pressure rising. His pupils dilated even more as the world warped again and again. His soul left his body as the shards became even smaller and the dark abyss was exposed even more. He felt the cold permeate his hands unitl they ached, the blood on his wrists had turned  to sits of black. He felt like severing  his limbs off, like scrubbing his brain in a rain puddle until the veins ran with nothing but cold water. No blood at all, just the clarity of djinn. 

Speaking of the djinn, he was being chased by one. It was disguised as a screamer, doused in flames as if a fiend from hell. Besides the flames and the dark charcoal eyes, the djinn looked fairly human. But he knew a djinn when he saw one, the neon glow that the flames emanated gave it away. He sped up a little. Then he gave in and slowed down.

He observed the djinn closely, its plastic like skin, its flames, its dark obsidion eyes that looked like hell itself. He heard that female djinn were more than satisfactory in bed. More explicit than the generic vanilla. If their sex could be described as a flavour it would be cardimum with a hint of orange. 

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