Start from the beginning

you frown, but your face flushes at the boys new features.

instead of having it slicked back like usual, the boys hair was now messy and definitely made him look a lot more handsome.

you hold your face in your hands, squealing internally.

"our care of magical creatures teacher for many years has decided to retire.. in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. fortunately, i'm delighted to announce.. that his place will be taken by none other.. than our own rubeus hagrid"

your mouth drops open, eyes wide.

dumbledore stretches an arm out towards him, he smiles bashfully as everyone claps for him.

your mouth stretches into a grin so wide it made your cheeks and mouth hurt.

you were so happy for hagrid! you knew how much he loved his animals and you knew he'd be great for that position!

he stays seated until mcgonagall nudges him with her elbow. he sits up swiftly, pushing the table forwards and knocking all the goblets over.

you grin, clapping loudly. he seemed very bashful.

"finally, on a more disquieting note.. at the request of the ministry of magic.. hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the dementors of azkaban.."

you sink back into your seat, fiddling with your fingers as you look down nervously at your skirt.

everyone exchanges shocked and nervous glances.

"..until such a time as sirius black is captured. the dementors will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds. now whilst i've been assured.. that their presence will not disrupt our day-to-day activities.. a word of caution. dementors are vicious creatures. they will not distinguish between the one they hunt, and the one that gets in their way. therefore, i must warn each and every one of you.. give them no reason to harm you. it is not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving"

you gulp shallowly.

"but you know, happiness can be found.. even in the darkest of times.." he waves his hand around, "if one only remembers.. to turn on the light" he waves his hand passed a candle, sending it alight.

food soon appeared on the table, and it was exquisite as always.

like usual, you piled lots onto your plate, munching happily down.

but you soon found yourself growing insecure as there were some judgemental looks from girls around the table. ones you had never received previously. even hannah and susan were glaring judgmentally.

but what confused you is that it was only girls at the table. and even then, not all of them. but most of them.

all of them seemed to be giving very judgemental and mean looks.

all of this made your appetite dwindle, finishing your plate of food and not scooping yourself another like usual.

a boy at your table looks at you confused, "hey kanroji, are you done? that's only your third plate!"

you smile timidly, "oh, yeah.. i'm just not that hungry, i guess.." you look to the side.

he looks at you for a moment before smiling slightly, "okay, then"

that wasn't true.

not at all.

you were still very hungry, though the judgmental looks from the girls around the table made you insecure to eat anymore.

this reminded you of that time when you were set to marry that man-




you were never set to marry a man? you're only thirteen..

you look down at your plate, before your lips part.

oh.. this must be one of mitsuri-chan's memories! she was set to marry a man.. but he judged her hair, strength and how much she ate...

you gulp slightly, now doubting yourself.

were you weird?

was your strength.. weird?

you knew your hair colour was abnormal, but your parents had always told you to embrace it, and you did..

but now.. this was giving you second thoughts..

maybe, your hair was ugly. maybe your strength was freaky. maybe you ate too much..

you could now feel all of mitsuri's previous insecurities swallowing you whole as you pick at your nails, eyebrows creased downwards.

you could now feel all of mitsuri's previous insecurities swallowing you whole as you pick at your nails, eyebrows creased downwards

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words ; 977

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words ; 977

date posted ; 8/01/23


𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆, 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗽𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘅 𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻 𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now