Good Old Fashioned Competition

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The blimp bandits had been scavenging for days, and they had already found all sorts of valuable treasures in the trash bins of the city. But as they flew over a new neighborhood, they were surprised to see that the trash pile they had been heading for was already picked clean.

"What the heck?" Captain Scooter said, frowning. "This trash pile was supposed to be full of treasures! Who could have cleaned it out before us?"

The other raccoons shrugged, just as puzzled as their captain. They landed the blimp and set out to investigate.

As they searched through the empty trash pile, they found a few clues that hinted at what might have happened. They discovered footprints that didn't belong to any raccoon they knew, and they found a few scraps of trash that seemed to be of higher quality than the usual fare.

"I think we've got some competition," Navigator Speck said, frowning. "Someone else is scavenging these trash piles before us, and they're taking all of the best stuff."

Captain Scooter nodded gravely. "We've got to find out who they are and stop them," he said. "We can't let them beat us to all of the best treasures!"

The other raccoons nodded, and they set off to follow the clues and track down their mysterious competitor. They knew that it wouldn't be easy, but they were determined to outsmart whoever was trying to steal their treasures.

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