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23rd april, bla bla bla, we all know, but if you dont ,m basically half past midnight on th e 23rd of april in 1967, soyuz 1 would be launched, whch carried vladimir komarov thoug h something wrong was going to happen and everybody had a gut feeling about it 9sorry for my half assed explanation i am running on NO sleep at al

gagarin and komarov have a conversation, maybe perhaps the last conversation they would ever have together

yuri gagarin: you know after all, maybe i should fly instead, so i-
vladimir komarov: there's no way you're flying in that thing instead of me
yuri gagarin: what?
vladimir komarov: are you kidding? have you seen how JANKY that thing is? 
yuri gagarin: oh. i know fully well how janky it is

they look at each other for a couple seconds

vladimir komarov: you must be suicidal, then.. you're not, are you?
yuri gagarin: i've thought about it. i'd rather save everybody from the twerking nightmare than make it even worse than i already have
vladimir komarov: gagarin, no, none of this is your fault.. and what do you mean? no one's twerked but you.. so far
yuri gagarin: i spread it today. two people have the twerk now.

komarov gave gagarin a sorry facial expression, you could see the melancholy especially in his eyes 

vladimir komarov: i still don't believe it's your fault
yuri gagarin: how is this not all my fault?
vladimir komarov: the higher-ups can't kill everyone
yuri gagarin: but they could kill me..
vladimir komarov: ..and that's exactly why i-

komarov realized it was time to leave

vladimir komarov: ah, um.. i'm sorry, i need to go, just keep yourself safe
yuri gagarin: i feel like i'm being watched even in my own home but okay, i will
vladimir komarov: chill out lol

now boarding soyuz 1, komarov gave a wave to gagarin, who gave one back. they exchanged smiles, and soon, soyuz 1 was launched. gagarin quickly realized how dangerous this mission was going to be, yet now there was nothing he could do to stop it, as soyuz 1 was already soaring for the sky. guilt washed over him, feeling as though he had both komarov's and innocent twerking civilian's blood on his hands

random soviet government official 2, communicating with komarov via radio: hello there
vladimir komarov: who's this?
random soviet government official 2: it's not important to know who i a-
vladimir komarov: okay, i'm not listening

komarov covers his ears

vladimir komarov: lalalala, not listening
random soviet government official 2: get your han-
vladimir komarov: WHAT? i can't hear anything

a loud bang is heard from inside the capsule, making komarov immediately putting his hands down and turning to check what it was

vladimir komarov: what the-
random soviet government official 2: now you're listening, yes?
vladimir komarov: what the fuck did you just do
random soviet government official 2: i'm going to get straight to the point, komarov. tell me about the twerk. 
vladimir komarov: what?
random soviet government official 2: don't play dumb with me, komarov. we know you know.
vladimir komarov: of course you know..
random soviet government official 2: you know we can blow this flight to smithereens if you don't tell us the deal, right?
vladimir komarov: this thing was already broken as fuck anyway, i'm not afraid
random soviet government official 2: jesus christ will you stop being an insufferable fuck and just tell us ABOUT THE TWERK
vladimir komarov: go fuck yourself

more and more issues began to arise, and the stabilization system had almost entirely died. quickly descending into the earth's atmosphere, parachutes were deployed to slow the fall. although there was one issue, the main parachute did not unfold. komarov then attempted to activate the manually deployed reserve chute, but of course, this would not work as it was tangled with the drogue chute. 

the descent module had now crashed onto the ground. news of this immediately spread like wildfire (almost as fast as the twerk!!! lol) as rescue teams swarmed the scene of the burning module

gagarin had heard the news, and immediately his heart sank. yet deep down he knew it was not his fault, his mind couldn't refrain from telling him otherwise. 

"if only i hadn't seen the twerk", he thought, "none of this would have happened."

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