the plan

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after returning home safely from orbit, gagarin seems to have caught a case of the twerk...

vladimir komarov: what are we going to do? gagarin, did these aliens tell you anything else about this "twerk"? is there any way to stop it?
yuri gagarin: no, they didn't say anything. but they wanted me to spread "twerking joy", so i suppose this might be it
gherman titov: but didn't they say someone got killed over the twerk?
vladimir komarov: good point
yuri gagarin: oh god.. you're right.. i don't want to be responsible for the deaths of innocent people caught up in some weird dance
vladimir komarov: the government must already know about this "twerk"..
gherman titov: wait a second

komarov and gagarin turn to look at titov, puzzled expressions appearing on both of their faces

gherman titov: i just remembered something. something you said. gagarin, look at me and tell me i'm misremembering. you did NOT say it was contagious, did you?

gagarin pauses. his heart skips a beat and he begins to tremble a little

yuri gagarin: oh god.
vladimir komarov: no..

titov decides to keep his distance and takes a step away from gagarin

yuri gagarin: i really hope it was only you guys who saw me doing the twerk
vladimir komarov: what?
yuri gagarin: you should remember what i said, when i was talking about how i couldn't stop moving my butt muscles when i saw those aliens dancing?
vladimir komarov: oh shit, you're right
gherman titov: maybe you only get it from the aliens? that's why i don't feel compelled to shake my ass. i don't know about you, komarov
vladimir komarov: yeah, maybe that's it. maybe it's just the aliens that are able to spread it
yuri gagarin: b-but.. they told ME to spread it

the three stand in silence. what could possibly be happening?

vladimir komarov: everything is going to be fine. i think. let's not panic.. yet
gherman titov: komarov, i don't know, people's lives could be at stake here
vladimir komarov: i doubt that
yuri gagarin: but i don't. he's right, komarov. that hasn't left my head since the alien told me that
vladimir komarov: oh god, couldn't you have possibly misheard it or something? could it have said something different?
yuri gagarin: i mean, i guess it was hard to hear it but i'm pretty sure i wouldn't have misheard that. those words stuck out to me
gherman titov: oh. haha. HAHAHA

komarov and gagarin turn to look at titov, again.

gherman titov: what if you're just going crazy? did you sleep the night before you flew? you could've easily hallucinated that
yuri gagarin: i wish i did, but it was so consistent. i really doubt i hallucinated it
gherman titov: i mean, i STILL don't have the urge to do any dance. i think you're fine
yuri gagarin: titov, please, you know i wouldn't make something like this up
vladimir komarov: let's not doubt him, titov. you saw how he was earlier. he was practically shitting himself
gherman titov: i'm just saying.. if it all turns out to be bullshit, you heard it from me from the very beginning
yuri gagarin: okay.. think whatever you want to think. i'm not lying to you. but.. what are we going to do? in case you guys twerk in front of other people.. if you ever get the urge. it's going to spread.. i'm so afraid
vladimir komarov: we'll just stay in hiding.
gherman titov: what? no way! 
vladimir komarov: what if it's our only option?
gherman titov: well.. i'm not going to do that, but you guys can
vladimir komarov: fine, then. 

titov swiftly leaves the building, and returns to the crowds outside

yuri gagarin: wait. what if he spreads the twerk and then-
vladimir komarov: gagarin. let's not overthink it. and besides, if it does spread, it's not going to be the end of the world
yuri gagarin: but i don't want to die
vladimir komarov: no one is going to die.

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