Chapter 1: Bored Yellow Fellow

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No one's P.O.V: X was sitting under a tree on this cold fine morning. He was trying to figure out how to start his day.

[ TW : A bit of cursing -_-" ]


X's P.O.V:

"I wonder if I could... No, that wouldn't work." I'd mummer out thinking on what to do since i'm kind of bored. "Hey X, what are you doing?" I heard a voice come over to my right side, i'd look over to see four walking over to me and sit beside me. "Nothing, just thinking of something.. or trying to, at least. Why? I would hear a hum come from four. A few minutes went by, and I waited for a response. "I don't know, I just wanted to see what you were up to. Since you did look kind of bored, just sitting here." I would stare at four for a second and then look at the ground, shivering from the crisp air.

Four took notice of this, and he'd ask if I would want to go inside. Of course, I would say yes! Who wouldn't take that offer if it was cold outside. I'd grab Four's hand and would stand up with four also standing up right after.

I'd smile and turn to four and notice that he was blushing,, "why is he blushing??"


Four's P.O.V: X grabbed my hand, which made me blush a tad bit. As X got up I got up with him, as we started to walk to our house ( yes me and X share a house ) I noticed that X is looking at me, was it because of me blushing? "Wait.. Blushing.. I'M BLUSHING!? Shit.." I'd think to myself and look away flustered, my grip getting tighter on his hand. "Four a-are you okay? You seem a bit off. Are you sick?" X would question me and look at me with a worried face. "Yeah.. Yeah, i'm okay. I'm fine." I'd reassure X still looking away from him, though.

Still blushing. "Why does he have to be so.. nice?" I'd think to myself also taking glances at X now or then while walking to the house. "I wonder.. i-if he.. never mind, it's stupid to believe that he would.. ugh, never mind." I pushed those thoughts at the back of my head. I noticed that we were entering the house until X almost fell and tripped until I grabbed his arm, and we would just look at each other in the eyes. "W-wait, X is.. blushing?" I'd drop X, which who made a grunt noise once he hit the floor, and then I ran off. I ran off to my room a blushing mess, but I felt bad for just dropping him like that. Maybe I should apologize... I will in the morning, yeah.


ANYWHOOOO This is the end of the first chapter, I will make one later, probably or maybe tomorrow. SEE YA LATER!!

Word count: 490

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