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I woke up to find myself alone in bed, I grabbed my phone from the side table to see the time, it was already late evening.

I have to perform tonight for the auction. I got up and combed through my hair.

I freshened up and walked into my closet to go through all the possible outfits. I wonder when he left.

Diego had been there the whole time while I cried and then dozed off. I don't know if what's going on is right or not.

I met him a day or two back, I had already shared my bed with him, cried to him and let him stay the night all in two days.

I grabbed my maroon jump suit and put it on. It was skin tight with flared pant bottom. I paired it up with a pair of diamond earings and pulled my hair up in a ponytail.

I just put on some blush and nud lipstick when I heard footsteps.

I frown and let out a breath of relief when I see Diego. "You had me scared for a second-"

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah I have an event to attend and perform at"

He nods, "I'll drop and pick you up but I might not be available for an hour or two in between. I've got some work to finish"

I nod and smile, "Its alright, I can drive myself too"

He contemplates for a minute while I finish up and nods, "okay I'll see you once you are back then"

My eyes widen, "you are staying over?" I asked him and he paused, his face slightly red.

"No it just slipped out, I'll see you around and if there's anything you need help with don't hesitate to call. I'll be right there."

I smile and nod.

"Thank you"

He nods and walks out of the room. I hear the main door close after a few seconds and I smile.

I walk out to the kitchen and drink some juice. I grab some pasta but then decide against it, I'll eat after the performance.

I open my shoe rack and put on my nude heels then step out with my car keys.

I close and lock the door behind me and drive to the address that the manager sent to me yesterday after talking on call. I had an hour to reach the destination so I put on some music.

I heard my phone ring. I sneaked a glance at the screen to see the manager calling me up. I pick it up and put it on speaker on the passenger seat


"How long will you take to reach?"

"I'll be there in 20 minutes or so, is everything okay?"

"Yeah just wanted to know your arrival status. Just mention your name for the guest list and they will let you in, you will recieve a masquerade mask so just wear it. The people are a little conscious about revealing their identity so"

"That's alright"

He hangs up and I frown, why does this seem so shady.

I shake off the feeling that something was off with the auction as I drove into the underground entrance for the event.

Before I even stepped out of the car I was handed a black and red mask. That somehow went well with my outfit.

I stepped out and handed the keys to the valet, I said my name and they led me inside after cross checking with the guest list. I was surprised to see the interiors of the place.

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