Chapter Seven: Dear Diary

Start from the beginning

"Hey, get out of there and search the room," Jay yelled at her as he saw her taking another peek at the restroom. She backed away and decided to search the bed while Scott went into Alicia's drawer, flinging her folded clothes to the floor.

 Rachel noticed that Jay flashed a suspicious glance at her and then at the restroom. He knew something was fishy about her peeking into the restroom. Hence he left Scott and inspected the restroom. Her heart skipped a beat as Jay disappeared inside. He might find the button and report it to Scott, Rachel thought. Would he know that it still work even if the system were shut down? She couldn't keep her eyes off the restroom as she prayed that he would soon come out without noticing anything. As soon as she thought that, Jay came out with a dumbfounded expression on his face.  Rachel sighed in relief that he didn't discover anything. She continued her search so that they wouldn't suspect that she had lied. Rachel kneeled down and dug in between the mattress and then felt something, something hard. She raised the bed a little higher and there was a small, brown-covered notebook. As she brought it closer, the letter D was emblazoned on it. She knew it was a diary. She veered as she peeked at Jay, who was now with Scott checking out the lingerie in the drawer. Rachel quickly tucked the diary underneath her jeans. She peeked again at them, Scott and Jay remained consumed with Alicia's lingerie. This is my chance to run into the restroom, Rachel thought. Rachel rose from her kneeling position and without hesitating dashed to her destination. But all of a sudden she tripped on a Cabbage Patch doll. Both Jay and Scott swerved and discovered Rachel jetting up to run again.

"You..." Jay didn't finish his sentence as he hopped on the water bed and rushed toward the main door of the room while Scott went after her. Scott dove and captured her left leg.  With fury, Rachel kicked his face. He screamed, cursing profusely as he rubbed his face in pain. Meanwhile from the bed, Jay leapt toward the door and made it in time, blocking Rachel from ever escaping from it.   To his surprise Rachel wasn't heading to the door but to the restroom. His face cast a perplexed gaze at her.  He wondered why she did this but he chased after her, thinking that she probably made a stupid mistake.

Scott— happy to see she didn't make it to the main door— hurried after Rachel to the restroom. Rachel dived into the restroom, spun around and finally pressed the reddish button beside the threshold of the restroom. Jay and Scott's face flashed a mixture of shock and bewilderment as they couldn't get into the restroom. A thin glass substance, similar to a glass partition, blocked the entrance. They both could see Rachel but couldn't get to her. They struck the glass. Rachel flinched, backing away but her distressed gaze was on them. After a while they stopped their attempt, they knew they couldn't break the impervious glass. Rachel couldn't hear what they said but she knew that they cursed at her. They were pumping their fist in a threatening manner. Rachel, still feeling tense, now felt somewhat safe. Then Rachel noticed Jay whispering something into Scott's ear and an eerie smirk flourished from the corner of his lips as his diabolic stare caught her attention. They both walked away with a satisfying glow on their faces as Rachel witnessed them leaving the room.

 "What could have made Scott smirk like that at me?" Rachel said, scared, doubts budded into her mind; maybe there was a way they could get inside the restroom. But she quickly shook this thought off, she knew, somehow, that they couldn't possibly get inside. She pressed her heart gently, trying to calm herself down. Terrifying yourself isn't going to help, she mouthed to herself.

Rachel removed the diary from beneath her jeans and sat down on the toilet. The diary now lay on the palm of her hands, she felt like she held something special; her eyes twinkled at the sight of it. A new sense of hope grew within her. Alicia might have written something critical, like the password to unlock House Trap. "The best place to hide that would be in a diary," she thought. This concluding thought calmed her down, removing the tension away from her head. This feeling was followed by curiosity. She wondered what Alicia wrote in her diary. She didn't feel the rush to find the password due to the fact she was hundred percent sure she was safe. She flipped the pages and began to read the most recent diary entry.

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