Chapter 10: Tomodachi

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"Is it true that

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"Is it true that..." You carefully opened your eyes and slowly turned to the third division's captain. "...that your last name used to be Yamaguchi?"

You didn't need to be a psychotherapist to notice the captain was completely rendered speechless. "The captain" in this case meant of course Saito. The owner of the face that has never revealed to you even once what was he thinking or feeling like. The same guy whose intentions were always unreadable to you.

But you weren't in the wrong, right? You waited while keeping your eyes on him, barely letting yourself blink. For a moment, the room was filled with a unusual unsettling silence. No one must've known what to say. You felt like your eyebrows were scrunched for so long that wrinkles started forming themselves on your face. If you really mistook something, they'd cut you through like a damn sushi!

However, soon enough the silence turned into the mix of whistles full of admiration and loud cheers... As if you had just won one of the duels adored by the warriors and not escaped a murder. Okay, so you didn't make any mistake. You shook your head relieved, not believing in your own luck.

"So you're really from the future, wow!" blurted out Heisuke in awe.

You felt so silly for not telling the truth straight from the start as to save everyone a bother but thanks to stress, you were only delving deeper and deeper into the web of lies. But could you really be blamed? Who normally would believe you were a time traveler from the past? If it weren't for the fact that you still remembered something from the History, it was better not to imagine how fast your life would end.

"So... You're not gonna kill me now, right?" you asked hesitantly. You looked at the main three who always had the final voice in everything. You saw a gloomy look on Hijikata's face, a surprise slowly painting itself on Kondou's face and Sannan's intense gaze. Yet, the last one's emotions remained a mystery to you. You anxiously bit your lip.

"Of course not," replied the colonel instantly. In the blink of an eye, he lost all of his usual cool posture. It looked as if he really cared about something but you were not sure about what. Still, even if you didn't know him for that long, this sudden change was suspicious; it didn't fit him at all.

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