Chapter 1

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Liu's Pov

Toby, Jeff, Jack, and I have been searching for a person that has been hanging around the mansion for weeks, and has been killing everyone that has come into the forest before we could even get to them. Slenderman is pissed about this, he wants us to capture this person and bring them back to the mansion. So he could torture them himself.

"Ugh, why are we still out here" Toby whined, "we've been out here for hours and haven't found anything, heck we don't even know what or who we're looking for".
Toby was right. We've been out here for hours and haven't found anything. "Toby fucking man up, Slender said to find the person and you don't want him mad do you?" Jack said annoyed,  "well I'm so fucking sorry I want to go back" Toby yelled equally annoyed. "Will you both shut the FUC-" as Jeff yelled something was thrown at him, it was Rouge. She was full of blood and looked close to death.

Jeff flipped her off and laid her on the ground. As he did that we heard someone walking toward us. As we got ready for a fight, the person walked close enough to where we could somewhat see them. As they made their way closer. "Holy shit, it's a fucking girl!" Jeff yelled, "no fucking shit" I yelled back. As she came more into view we could see what she looked like. "Holy shit" I whispered, she was fucking beautiful . She was very tall almost Slendermans height just a foot or two shorter, she had dark pink hair that faded into a light pink, and her eyes, her fucking eyes were two different colors one a dark first green and the other a dark purple. " You guys fucking suck" she said her voice sound inhuman, "English bitch, what the fuck did you say" Jeff yelled, he looked ready to drive his knife into her heart, "I sayed you guys fucking suck, I've been following you since you left the mansion and I already know what the Slenderman wants so lets get fucking going" she said sounding annoyed. Shes been following us since we left, fuck I feel fucking stupid. "OH YOU FUCKING BITCH" Jeff yelled at he charged at her, she didn't seem fazed has he did this. "GO TO SLEEP" he yelled as he stabbed her in the heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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