Chapter 18 - I am Ámbar Smith:

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Diego woke up early since he had to do the school run with Lucas while he was making Lucas breakfast the doorbell went before he got the door he shouted up to Lucas.

Diego: Lucas, breakfast is in 10 minutes I hope you are getting up.

As he opened the door, he saw a girl with blonde, pink hair.

Diego: Hi, can I help you?

Ámbar: I hope so I am your sister Diego.

Diego: Your Ámbar?

Ámbar: Yeah, and your Diego, right? Gregorio's son?

Diego: Yeah, that is me.

As they were standing at the door a bit awkward Francesca walked downstairs in her dressing gown.

Francesca: Diego, who was at the door... oh hi.

Diego: Francesca this is Ámbar, Ámbar this is my wife, Francesca.

Ámbar: Wow, wife already? How old are you?

Diego: I am thirty.

Lucas then came downstairs and Ámbar was shocked that he already had a wife and life of his own.

Francesca: Finally, you decided to come downstairs now.

Lucas: I was coming.

Diego: This is my son Lucas.

Francesca: Our son, Diego.

Diego: We will it does not matter does it.

As she looked at the little boy he looked just like his dad when she walked in, Lucas went to have breakfast while they sat down on the sofa.

Ambar: Look, I am only here because Gregorio told me to come but you seem like your fine with Gregorio as your dad.

Diego: I know my dad can sometimes be difficult but he's our dad we have to deal with him.

Francesca: Are you kidding, Diego? You had to go through therapy because of him.

Ambar: Therapy?

Diego: It was a misunderstanding.

Francesca: No, it was not, Diego you had to have therapy since you kept arguing with your father, I had to make an appointment for you and your dad with Dr. Dufré.

Ambar: Wow, your wife had to book you an appointment.

Francesca: We were not married at that time.

Diego: You know it is time to take Lucas to school, do you want to come to Ambar?

Ambar: Uh, speaking of which I must get going I am late for boarding school.

Diego: I can drop you off if you like.

Ambar: Sure, if it is not a problem.

Diego: No, of course not, Lucas let us go it is time for school.

Francesca: *Kisses Lucas's head* Bye baby boy, be good in school.

Diego: Let us go.

They left as Diego dropped Ambar off at the boarding school, he dropped Lucas at school and then met up with the boys outside a cafe.

They left as Diego dropped Ambar off at the boarding school, he dropped Lucas at school and then met up with the boys outside a cafe

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