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The Winchester's and the Burkhardt's came from old money

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The Winchester's and the Burkhardt's came from old money. Wealthy beyond my imagination, they were all incredibly handsome and distant. Mysterious. I could look all I wanted, although that would be a little strange. But I couldn't touch. I wouldn't try even if I wanted to, that would be awkward. But one thing I did do... Was steal a single glance every now and then.

Moving to a new school my Senior year wasn't what I signed up for, but with our parents' deaths, my brother Daniel, who I called Dan, and I left Oklahoma after I finished my Junior year, he and his friend Nicholas transferred to NYU. And we all live in a decent apartment on the upper west side, although it's not considered decent to the people I go to school with. So, as a scholarship student, I'm at the bottom of the toldem pole, but I didn't mind. I had a friend and she was honestly a God-send. Jennifer was nothing like the other students, although decently rich, she actually lived on planet earth, and she wasn't living in an unrealistic place in her mind. One of my oldest friends from childhood, the one who talked me into moving out here, while Dan and Nick followed me.

Jennifer was gorgeous, she was tall and had her hair fixed immaculately every day, she had tan skin and blue eyes, but unlike me, Jen was confident. Although she was outspoken and never shy, she chose to be unpopular. I often wondered why, but the way that she spoke of the people, I assumed it had everything to do with them.

Alax and Gabe Burkhardt both knew they were gorgeous, but they weren't stuck up. They both had dirty blonde hair and seemed sophisticated, cool, and collected, they were also the sons of the President of The United States. And unlike their best friends, the Winchester's. Both Jason and Noah were gorgeous as well, but Jason was more of a goof and Noah always seemed sad, high, or drunk, but sarcastic. It seemed that most of the time, the other three were fighting with him, taking care of him, or hiding him. Their friend dynamic was sad, something was always going on and nothing ever seemed carefree. Except on Fridays. Game day. The East High football games were never Gabe's thing, but he was always in the stands supporting his brother Alax who was the team's star player. The QB. I went to watch Alax, Noah, and Jason. I wasn't stalking them, but they were always so much fun to look at.

Today I'd been lost in a book, nothing too great. I liked finding hidden gems that no one ever heard about from small authors. It was a mystery with a good friend dynamic. But Jennifer always tried to pull me back to reality during school, she knew I could get lost for hours.

"What is this one about?" She asked next to my locker. "another secret baby romance or is this one about a Fae?" I laughed. My favorite series was A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas after all.

"It's actually about a prep school, and a fun group of friends solving a mystery," I smirk and then frown. We would never have a fun group of friends here, we were highly unpopular and pretty invisible at East NYC Prep.

"Ooh and one of them is poor?" I frown harder.

"No, actually they're all very rich."

"Ugh, that's no fun, Sutton!" I laugh, "sounds boring!"

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