"Right, what else did you find?"

Edward placed a file before Severus and quickly excused himself from the room as his phone rang.
I pulled myself out of bed and softly padded my way over to my husband. Placing a hand on his shoulder, I sat down beside him. Knowing that he knew of me being awake way before hand.

"How are you feeling love?"

I questioned, taking Severus by surprise as he turned to me with a skeptical look on his face. I sighed, leaning my head on his shoulder as he let out a breath before moving a hand to wrap it around my waist and pull me closer.

"I'm fine, just exhausted."

He replied truthfully, a smile tugging at my lips as I kissed his cheek. Grateful that he didn't hide it. I really wouldn't like it if I'm the middle of all this chaos, Severus started pulling himself away from me or shutting me out. We were each other's escape and without the other we were in a sense, helpless or broken.

"What's going on now? Edward said something about new members right?"

He sighed burying his head into the crook of my neck and placing me onto his lap. I tangled my hands in his hair as he rested his hands on my lower back.

"We found some people who seemed to be connected to the abductions that were conducted under our noses. I kicked them out and since then we've been looking for new recruits. This time they'd have taken oath from the very first day."

I hummed in response as he placed a kiss on my neck. I giggled as he littered kisses up to my jaw. His lips claimed mine as I moaned against their softness. Severus pulled me closer. Chests pushed together as I breathed against his lips, eyes glued to his as he stole my breath away.

Panting, I pulled back for air as he looked at me amused. I pouted, before pulling his cheeks up in a smile. He rolled his eyes as I giggled. Glancing over my shoulders a file caught my eyes. Severus leaned back against the couch and relaxed as I turned back to him.

"Go ahead."

I nearly squealed but managed to keep myself contained and just give him a peck on the lips. I turned around, still perched on his lap, my back against his chest as I plucked the file from the pile. The title read '10' and I remained confused till I flipped it open.

The first paper displayed a picture of a man with information written beneath it. The mans face was masked perfectly except his eyes. Green eyes that I could recognize very well now.


Severus hummed from behind me as he glanced ta the picture for confirmation. He nuzzled my neck as I flipped through the pages, more faces covered with masks appeared, each one in some way different than the other yet they felt the same or at least it seemed like they intended the same. Looking at them, one could clearly tell them apart from the facial structures and eye colors, some slightly similar while others were completely different. But they all gave off a feeling of danger, reminding me that they were clearly ready to kill if need be.

"Who're they?"

I questioned as Severus continued to slowly nip at my neck, leaving small kiss marks along the way. Without looking up, he replied easily.

"Edward and his friends."

I hummed, satisfied with the answer, finally understanding why all of them looked so dangerous, and flipped to the end of the file where a well written letter was placed, looking as though the paper had been plucked fresh from the pack and had just been slipped into the end. The letter read:


We've covered the land you told us to and we've scouted out all the men responsible for the job. All have been eliminated and we've managed to set free a bunch of girls through the EC. Thankfully nor the police neither the government seem to be pursuing the matter as we've arranged for everything before hand.

The EC wanted you to know that the girls have reached their homes safely and your message has been spread. It seems as though an indirect threat from the Blood Fang has arrived. The leader has demanded a meeting with you to clear everything out and sign a proper alliance. We've taken his son hostage in case he tries to go through with the break in.

The date he's requested is in a week, his son will be taken care of by us till then, and we won't inflict any unnecessary harm on him. Donna's safety issue had also been dealt with, the man holding the threat is locked up in the chambers for you to do whatever you please with him."

Severus lifted his head and frowned as he found the paper in my hand, slowly plucking it from between my fingers he read it to himself before sighing.

"Business calls Love, I'm afraid I'll be gone for a while."

I whined and pouted, wrapping my arms around his neck and gesturing to the letter in his hand.

"What threat is he talking about?"

Severus blanked out on me for a moment before taking a deep breath.

"You have nothing to worry about love, there seems to have been a misunderstanding with the leader of the Blood Fang, once the issue with him is properly solved. I'll return to yo~"

"And the other man?"

I interrupted, knowing that he was distracting me from the real question.

"A hit man that one of my uncles had a feud with, set his eyes on you but as you can tell. He has already been dealt with so you have nothing to fret about. I'll deal with it."

I nodded and leaned my head against his.

"Catch up on some sleep first, okay? you don't want to be tired when walking into danger do you?"

Severus shook his head and let me lead him to the bed for him to get some much deserved rest.

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