Humming to myself, I stripped out of his shirt and settled in the water with a sigh. After taking a bath, completing my morning rituals, drying my hair and wearing a dress. I exited the washroom. Severus had put on his suit coat and was talking on the phone. A dark look on his face as he hummed in response, his eyes landed on me and he excused himself from the caller before hanging up.

"Everything okay?"

I questioned as he sighed and glanced down at his phone, his brows furrowing, probably trying to decide whether to reveal information to me or not.

"There seems to be a problem."

I nodded, walking towards him and tip toeing to get a strand of hair away form his eyes.

"Is it bad?"


He replied instantaneously as I stiffened, from the tension that his posture relayed, I could only guess that I was somewhat involved or in danger at least.

"It seems that a bunch of new moles have managed to slip into the gang and are executing the members who haven't taken oath on my hand."

I stared at him with wide eyes as a tick formed in his jaw and he glared past my shoulders.I'll protect you. A smile graced my lips as his words rang through my head, I rested my hand on his cheek drawing his attention to me before leaning up to peck his lips. He sighed against me, wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me close.

"Is that why I'm going to start training?"

He nodded his head, nuzzling my nose as I squished his cheek. He chuckled, pulling his cheeks away from my pinching hands and intertwining his own with mine as I reached for them again. I pouted as he led me out of the room.

All the members that passed us, bowed their heads in respect, some even saluted him while others put their hands over their heart as a silent greeting. Their eyes never stayed on me for long, a gentle dip of their head was the greeting I got when they shifted their focus from the boss.


I whispered as he pulled me along, releasing my hands and pulling me by the waist towards himself.

"Yes love?"

He whispered back, I lowered my voice even more, realizing that he didn't trust those around us to keep the information to themselves.

"Are all of these members the ones under the oath?"

He shook his head in response.

"Many of them are love but not all, those that make eye contact with either of us are not under oath yet."

My mouth formed an 'O' shape as I understood why many of them didn't even turn to me.

"Is my trainer nice?"

I questioned again, this time a little louder. A blank look masked his face as he spoke up in a voice filled with authority.

"He better be."

I hummed in response, not wanting him to go completely blank on me. I snuggled closer to his side as we walked, his arm tightening around my waist as we passed by the corridor holding the poor girls who suffered at the hands of his father.

Severus pushed open a door and we walked in. In the middle, on a circular huge mat, stood a male with his back turned to me. Black hair in a messy puff on his head, wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of black joggers.

Severus cleared his throat and the male whipped around, green eyes meeting mine as my smile turned to a frown and my excitement shimmered down. I turned to Severus and whispered in a low voice.

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