He settled me against him in his lap. Arms wrapped around me and his forehead pressed against mine.


My sentence got cut off as I hiccuped again. He shushed me calmly, his hands resting on my cheeks as he whispered gently.

"I know love, I'm sorry."

carefully pulling me impossibly more closer, he settled me under his chin. We sat in silence for a while, which made me cry even more as he tried to calm me down.

"But Sev-y, he tried to touch me."

I hiccuped again before burying my head deeper into his neck in shame. He stiffened in response, his hands stopping in the air. They formed fists before coming to rest at my back.

"Edward informed me of that."

"Don't leave me alone a-gain."

He shook his head in response and kissed my head.

"I won't."

A deep promise lay within his voice as he spoke up. Dark enough to send a buff man running for the hills and assuring enough to lull me to sleep.


Severus had made sure that I ate before he left to get some papers from his office after assuring me that he would be quick to return. Reluctantly, I let him go and sat behind the closed but unlocked door, in alert. Even though him being here helped me, I still couldn't remove the incident from my mind.

The emotions, the weakness, the mental scar. Everything was there and another wound was inflicted onto my mind whenever I reminded myself of that incident. Especially when I was alone.

I walked into the washroom, the fear far too great for me to continue sitting on the bed. I closed the door behind myself and walked over the the empty cubicle.

Situating myself under the handle, I sat against the wall. The cool temperature doing some good in easing my heart. My eyes remained glued to the ground as my mind blanked from reality. For a moment, I floated in peace and tranquility.

Everything around me disappeared along with the shadows of doubts in my mind. It was quiet but I didn't feel frightened, instead I felt like I could remain there forever. That thought remained as I lost myself in the depths of my mind only jumping out of it when the washroom door slammed open.

It banged against the wall, abruptly drawing my attention and fear towards itself. Severus stood by the door, the panic in his eyes quite evident. But it disappeared when our eyes met, he released a sigh and motioned me closer.

I followed and stood up shakily stumbling over to him. He picked me up and strode out of there, locking the door behind himself.

He laid me down in the middle of the bed, confusing me as he disappeared from sight. I was about to get up to reach for him, but he beat me to it.
Slowly lowering himself so our noses brushed against the others.

His breath tickled my lips as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. I watched, maybe like a creep, but a confused creep, searching his face for any sign that could give away the turmoil in his head.

Instead of speaking up though, I remained quiet. Letting him breath out against me and relax, when his breathing evened out. I was greeted by those silver eyes. We remained locked together for a while, lost in each other's gaze.

It was then that he spoke up. Voice heavy and strained.

"You said he touched you?"

I looked away in shame but managed a subtle nod. Guilt and the lack of self confidence flooded me. I felt disturbed and disgusted with myself. Just the fact that another man could gain pleasure from my body, was a slap back to another reality. One that reminds a girl how unsafe she's, no matter where she is.

"Look at me love."

I sniffled and shook my head, fisting his shirt in my hands. He tilted my chin towards himself and kissed my nose.

"Where did he touch you?"

Tears brimmed at the corner of my eyes as he smiled calmly.

It took a moment but slowly, his sincere look had me peeking out from my shell and pointing towards my wrists.

I trailed a finger against the joint and he captured both my hands to litter kisses on them. I pointed towards my ear, then my cheek and jaw. His hands slowly wandered over the flesh I pointed at. Easing my senses as he pressed gentle kisses on them.

Enticing a moan from me when he sucked on the area below my ear. I pointed a finger towards my neck- the place burned up with shame- but the feeling was short lived as he kissed his way down to my collarbone, nibbling, sucking, biting, soothing.

Drawing one sound after the other from my lips before littering kisses on my chin and slowly drawing himself closer to my lips.

I reached up and cupped his cheek, he tilted his head to the side curiously as I slowly began pulling him down. He obliged, smiling against my lips as he realized my intentions.

A soft passionate kiss followed. One that held a thousand feelings and relayed them perfectly.

The night was a steamy and passionate one, filled with several whispered words and secret feelings. Soft caresses and loving kisses, Severus truly managed to replace any and every memory of his fathers actions from my mind.

He replaced them with more valuable ones, ones that I knew I would forever cherish. And I would always remember the night I lost my virtue as the best night I had ever had since I joined this scornful and demeaning world.

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