All good things must come to an end, and sadly it was sooner than later. I was sent off to take a relaxing bath with the several products that were laid out and labeled carefully for me. The time for appliance, the reason for appliance and the amount needed to be applied were all carefully mentioned.

A soft baby pink robe hung at the back, it looked just my size and Donna did mention something about having it custom made. The halls name as I had come to know was, 'Crystalia' and from what the women were gossiping about. It seemed to be the most luxurious and expensive wedding hall around.

Stepping out of my clothes I stepped into the automated shower, warm water rained down on me from the ceiling. When I had stood under the shower long enough to have my blonde hair dripping waterfalls, I began applying the products.

True to Donnas words, it took quite a while and after I had applied the last one. I slipped into the bath and sat soaking in the water for a good twenty minutes. When the sleepiness began crawling back to me, I stepped out carefully and put on the robe.

I had been specially instructed to not start drying my hair inside and was just told to put on my undergarments. I followed the orders and stepped out with the robe tied around me. I was led to a chair by on of the frantic ladies.

"We have exactly four hours, get to work."

Sally ordered from somewhere in the room and was quickly led to a chair as well. Much to her dismay. Donna was also seated wrapped up in a robe and the lady with her was setting up all of her makeup tools onto the desk before her.

My desk was already set up and with a lot more products than the ones on the others. Two ladies stepped up to me one of them busying herself into the wet nest called my hair and the other one plugging in the hair dryer. She also took out the pins and set them up along with combs and brushes of all sizes. Some colored bands and decorated pins also took up the space before me as the woman standing behind me, dried my hair.

As soon as it was dry, she let me go put on my dress. As I slipped into the white Full sleeved dress, I flashed back to the time my mother wanted to help me dress up as the bride and give me pointers and how father wanted to walk me down the aisle.

I pushed back the need to cry and sat on a near by chair for a while. Luckily no one interrupted me and I got enough time to gather back my courage and step back into the dressing room. There were awes and gasps filled with glee that resonated around the room as all the women turned to look at me and admire the piece of clothing that hugged my waist perfectly.

When they got over the shock, the makeup began. She started off light and slowly but surely got more and more focused into her work, to a point at which conversation was scarce. My hair dresser did her work well and I felt a bunch of pins brush against my scalp in a way that had me tensing up each time.

As they both were done with me, I was told to stand up and give all of the 20 to 24 women present in the room a twirl. All of them were focused on me with massive grins on their faces, grins that could've scared me half to death if I was to wake up to them.

As I gave them their twirl, all of them squealed and appreciated their work. I thanked the two who helped me the most and they bowed their heads in respect before leaving. I looked into the mirror and managed a smile, I looked pretty. Giving myself a twirl my smile grew as the gown fluttered elegantly.

"Great, its almost time. Edward will be here soon."

I paused in between my second spin and the action caught both Donna and Sallys attention. Both of them raised their eyebrows in question.

"Edward is coming here?"

I questioned in a low voice and both of them nodded.

"Who else is going to walk you down the Aisle? believe it or not he suggested it on his own!"

𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚Where stories live. Discover now