Final Chapter: surprise

Start from the beginning

She leaned in slightly and pressed her lips to mine. I placed my hand on her jaw, not letting her pull back. We both smiled into the kiss and I felt her caress my thigh with her thumb.
She pulled away, making me frown.

"There are kids around... one kid at least..." Shuri teased, shaking her head.

I rolled my eyes but a smile crept up on my face.
We were interrupted by my sister coming to inform us that she was going to bed.
Shuri had organized for everyone to get a room in the guest house, so my dad was gonna bring Willow to bed, and then rejoin us but Willow had other plans.
She insisted that I put her to bed, and as always I couldn't say no to those adorable eyes of hers.

I carried her to her room, and softly placed her on her bed before tucking her in.

When I was about to leave, she held me back by my hand.

"Can you stay until I fall asleep?" she asked.

"Yes, I can," I chuckled.

"Is Shuri your girlfriend?" Willow asked out of nowhere.

"Uhm yeah, Shuri is my girlfriend."

"That's good, she's really nice, I like her a lot," she rambled, her eyes getting smaller.

"I like her a lot too," I smiled fondly.

I waited until her eyes fell shut. After pressing a soft kiss on her head I left to get back to the party.

I was walking over to the main building when I heard footsteps in front of me.
It was dark already so I couldn't see who it was. My heart was starting to beat faster, and I felt the panic creep up.

"It's me don't worry."
I calmed down at the sound of Shuri's voice.

"Gosh, you scared me," I muttered.

"I wanted to check on you, you've been gone for quite a while," she said.

"Willow had me stay with her until she fell asleep, that's why it took so long," I answered, walking back to the palace, expecting Shuri to follow me, but she held me back by my arm.

"Let's enjoy the fresh air for a bit," she whispered, leading me to a small bench in the backyard.

We sat down, and she put her arm around me. I rested my head against her shoulder, enjoying the warmth of her body against my side.

"Why didn't you tell me it was your birthday?" Shuri asked after a while.

"I don't know, I'm just not that fond of my birthdays," I muttered.

"Why? You get presents, everyone gives you compliments and you have a reason to party..." Shuri chuckled.

"It's just not the same since my mom died... she always made a huge deal about birthdays, decorated the whole house, and organized a million surprises. We would always go eat breakfast together at this place in New York, where they have the best pancakes ever... just the two of us," I remembered, smiling at the memory.

"Sounds like you were close," Shuri remarked.

"Yeah, I always wanted to be like her when I grow up," I said, trying to ignore the tight feeling in my chest.

"I'm sure your mom would be very proud of you," she mumbled, pressing a soft kiss on my hair.

"I hope so... I remember, the last birthday with her; she took me shopping, and afterwards we went to some fancy restaurant to eat dinner but the food there was simply disgusting so we left and went to Mc Donald's instead," I chuckled at the thought of the weird fancy stuff they served us, and the face my mom made when she tasted it, "I miss her."

"Yeah, I get that," she replied, her voice filled with sadness.

Suddenly I felt guilty. Here I was rambling on and on about my mom when she had lost her whole family. I didn't know what to say, so I stayed quiet.

"Your mom sounds like she was an extraordinary woman," Shuri stated, "I think our moms would've gotten along great, my mom loved birthdays too, even though she wouldn't admit it..."

"Yeah, I'm sure they would've been friends," I replied with a relieved chuckle.

"The last birthday I spent with my mom was shortly after my brother died, if I knew that it would be the last one with her, I would've done everything so much differently," she mumbled, and I could hear the regret in her voice.

"I get that, I would do everything to go back to the moments with my mom and be more thankful for what she did," I said, taking Shuri's hand.

"Me too, but sadly we can't..." she replied quietly.

"I know, but I'm sure your mother knew how much you loved her," I whispered, cuddling myself closer to her.

She squeezed my hand, and we just sat there in silence for a while, looking at the stars.

"You know I never really talked to anyone about my family, and I feel like you're the only one that truly understands me..." Shuri whispered.

"I'm glad, and I feel the same way, I don't know if I ever told you this, but the first night we met, I looked at you, and somehow I just knew that I had to get to know you," I replied with a grin.

"So, you fancied me from day one?" she chuckled.

I lifted my head from her shoulder, seeing the teasing smile on her face. She laughed when I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, don't act like you didn't want to kiss me when we were sitting outside," I said, raising my eyebrows.

"That's true," she chuckled, "but our stupid friends interrupted us,"

"Well it still worked out... thank God you decided to get drunk that day so that I could find you at the bus stop," I teased her.

She slapped my arm jokingly, "Yeah, that's what other people call fate."

I laughed, remembering how I found her half passed out on that bench months back.

"But seriously now I'm really glad we met," I said, looking into her beautiful dark eyes.

"I am too."

"I love you Shuri," I whispered.

"I love you too."

She placed her hand on my cheek, slowly leaning in with her eyes locked on my lips.
The kiss started innocently.
Our lips gently moved together but after a while, she deepened the kiss, slipping her tongue into my mouth. Her hands pulled me onto her lap, and her lips explored my neck. I let her take control, enjoying how her tongue dragged over my skin.

"Y/N? Shuri?"

Ava's voice made us jump apart. She was standing outside the balcony door but couldn't see us.

"We're here, we'll be inside in a minute," I answered, holding back a laugh.

Ava didn't say anything else, and when we heard the door close again, we broke out in laughter.
I had completely lost track of time, so we had to go inside again. Shuri protested at first but followed me with the promise that we would continue this later.

Riri and Ava smiled knowingly when we entered the room but didn't say a word.

The rest of the party was fun, we all sat around the table, playing games and everyone started telling stories about me. Some stories were quite embarrassing, but I couldn't stop them anyways.

Later that night when I was lying in bed with Shuri in my arms, I let my thoughts wander.

How did I get so lucky? I had a family that was always there for me, I had friends who liked me for who I was, and I had the privilege of being loved by this gorgeous girl in my arms.
Even though the last few months were quite the rollercoaster ride, it was worth it.
I was exactly where I wanted to be.

And as I was laying there, listening to Shuri's steady breathing, I knew that no matter what the future had in store for us, everything would be alright if we had each other...

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