"They're in the office. They wanted to eat lunch together as a family. So I brought them here. I guess they were missing there dad." I said as we enter the elevator.

"They never miss me in your presence. Before their birth I always used to think that they'll be Daddy's kids but see they're obsessed with their mumma." He chuckled before grabbing my waist pulling me closer "just like their dad "

"Hmm. But are you jealous? That the kids love me more." I chuckled.

"Nope. You deserve it." He replied kissing my forhead. "Thank you so much baby for giving me this perfect and beautiful family."

I kissed his cheek in return smiling.

Suddenly the door of elevator get opened and we both went inside the office room where both kids were sitting on a couch bickering about something with Mr. Adarsh.

"Thank you Adarsh. You can go now." Ansh said to him as he exited the room.

"Daddy." Ishansh and Anshita ran up to him as he knelt down and picked both of them after kissing their cheeks.

Seeing both of our kids bonding well with their father makes me feel something inside. I can never be more happy and contented from my life.

Almost 3 years ago we had a boy and a girl.

Ishansh was born 7 minutes before Anshita. He has all the features like his dad with same dimples and all but the colour of his eyes matches mine.

On the other hand Anshita has all the features of me except her eyes. They matches the colour of Ansh's eyes.

When they were born I swear Ansh cried more than me.
And he always tries his best to be the best father for them.

"Yeah sure. We'll also see that." He answered as Ishansh asked something.

"But daddy I want to watch something else." Anshita pouted.

"It's alright my baby. We'll watch both movies." Ansh replied sitting on the couch wih them as I also settled on the opposite one looking at them.

"Mumma! can we have ice cream?" Ishansh asked coming to me as he settled himself on my lap resting his head on my chest.

"Of course baby." I said kissing his head as he snuggled more into me.

"I also want to eat ice cream." Anshita said as she also came and settled on my lap after pushing her brother aside.

"Baby, don't do that. He can get hurt like this." I softly said to her as she giggled a little but still said sorry to her brother.

Now they both were settled beside me hugging my waist and resting their head on my chest.

"See, I told you. They love you more." Ansh chuckled and stood up kissing all of our heads.

"Okay! Now what do you want to eat?" Ansh asked looking at us.

We three share a look with each other smiling sheepishly.
"Ice cream." We three answered at the same time and then laughed.

"God! I swear sometimes I think I'm dealing with three kids." My husband ran a hand in his hair and sighed "Both of our kids just have the habit of their mom in eating."

Ishansh and Anshita both giggled listening to him.

After sometime, we all went somewhere to eat something and most importantly our ice cream.

Soon, we all went home and decided to have a family movie night.

Ansh sat beside me and soon whining could be heard from both of my munchkins.

"God! Not again." Ansh groaned beside me making me laugh.

"Dad, I want to sit beside mumma." Ishansh pouted and Anshita nodded agreeing her brother.
"Me too." She replied huffing and folding her hands together.

"There's no way that I'm leaving her. She's my wife." He replied flipping off their complaint.

"But she's our mom." Ishansh protested.

"She's my wife first. If you want go get your wife and sit beside her." He said making me chuckle silently.

"Daddy!!! We want to sit beside mumma." Anshita whined coming up to me and sit beside my other side.

"Daddy! I want to sit beside mumma." Ishansh came to us and somehow he squeezed his way in between both of us.

My stomach was aching because of laughing seeing their fight. God!!!

"Ansh!! It's alright. He's just a kid." I said to him as he huffed and sat on the other couch.

"I swear these kids are a devil inside." He muttered under his breath and popped a pop corn in his mouth.

"Like damn! She's my wife first."

"Looks like someone is jealous." Ishansh said sheepishly looking at him.

"Shut up!" He grumbled.

Later, we all watched the movie and don't know when both of my monkies slept in between making me smile.

Ansh switched off the the TV and came up to me.

"It's okay. I'll take them in their room." He softly whispered lifting up both of them in his arms while I followed him to their room.

He lay them gently on the bed and I covered both of them with the blanket.

"Good night my babies." I lightly kissed both of their forheads while Ansh did the same.

"Love you both." He finally kissed their cheeks and turn off the light before exiting the room and shutting the room.

I started walking towards our room when a surprise yelp left from my mouth as he lifted me up in his arms making me look in his eyes.

"Now, I can have you all by myself." He smirked kissing my lips and taking me to our bedroom.

"Tomorrow's Sunday my love. No need to worry because I'm not letting you sleep tonight." He passed me a sinner smile and soon his lips were attached to mine ravishing them.

"I love you so fucking much." He whispered against my mouth and joined our forheads.

"And I love you too. Even more than you can imagine." I smiled.

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