"Out to dinner with the Matthious," I replied casually, ignoring her displeasured expression, "I should be back home before twelve."

I didn't specify which Matthiou.

"Twelve is too late," Mom immediately shook her head, disapproving of the curfew I was trying to push, "Eleven."

I would take it.

I flashed her a sweet smile. "Eleven it is."

Mom pulled her gaze back to her task. "Enjoy your night out and be safe, sweetheart," Mom sounded a little less displeased and a little more satisfied, "Eleven and no later."

I placed the glass in the sink. "Will do, Mommy."

As if on cue my phone buzzed in my hand, lighting up with a text from Eliseo. He was right on time and not even a second late.

Eliseo: I'm outside gattina.

I took in a deep breath at the sight of the text, gripping onto the handle of my clutch as I tried to put myself at ease before I started for the front door.

Don't overthink this, Ada. It's just another day out with Eliseo.

Then I moved for the front door.

Oh crap.

Even though I'd done a lot of breathing exercises to prepare me to see and meet Eliseo, nothing could prepare for the way my breath knocked out of my lungs when I saw Eliseo standing tall and ready for me in front of his dashing white car.

I flattered immediately in my steps at the sight of him, slowing down to get a good look at him.

Holy crap.

Eliseo looked dangerously sexy in his crisp white button up shirt, the snug shirt lavishly hugging his firm torso and bulging arms while teasing the honey of his tanned chest. He had paired the fitting shirt with some tailored black slacks and an expensive looking glistening watch, looking every bit like the man I always felt like was out of my league.

Maybe I was wrong.

Maybe I wouldn't to be able to get through the evening without a heart-attack.

"Gattina," The stern and dark voice broke into my thoughts, startling me out of my daydream, "We haven't got all night."

I swore to God that my heart was pounding so hard that it felt like it was going to jump out of my chest.

"I–" My voice cracked pathetically as I attempted to speak, eyes dropping to the floor when it suddenly became too overwhelming to gaze at him any longer, "S-sorry."

Why couldn't I just keep my cool around him?

I tensed up when I heard steady determined footsteps begin towards me, my back straightening up abruptly.

My hands immediately tightened around the strap of my bag when Eliseo's dizzying scent finally surrounded me, cocooning me in a haze of lemon and mint.

"Look at me," I gasped lightly as firm fingers gently tugged at my chin, pulling my gaze upwards, "What's wrong, gattina?"

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