miya being miya

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Ellie's pov

I really didn't give a fuck, what I was doing as the guy at the skate shop, told me one of the boards was ready, I took it from him as miya started talking about how he wanted to race snow.

Ellie/glitch: Miya, why do you even want to have a beff with him in the first place.

I said as all the attention was now on me, the board look quickly left my face

Miya: become your practically the only one I skate with also , when did you have the time to order a board?!?!?

Ellie/glitch: a week ago when I came here

I said, when reki I think his name was looked surprised starring at me confused.

Reki: wait but I never saw you come in and I'd think that I would remember

'Fuck what was I suppose to say now' I thought not know what to do

Glitch/Ellie: ya cuz you weren't paying attention at the time cuz I saw you but you just ignored me

I said quickly giving him a half truth cuz when I walked in he did ignore me as he dropped the subject and then me and miya left

Me: so what you want to do now

Miya: you can go home if you want I have to see if I can get earlier access to S right now and you look like you need some sleep

I look at him surprised

Me: I really look that fucken tired

I say when he then snached my wig as my hair fell from the messy bun it was in cuz I didn't have a wig cap on me at the time

Me: hay give that back

I say trying to grab it from him

Miya: nope you look better without it anyways

Me: you like me don't you

I say as he then stopped moving his face turning red

Miya: n-n-no I-uh ... D-do-don't

He said when I grabbed the wig from him putting it in my bag

Me: well that is too bad then miya

Miya: w-wh... What

Me: if you win the beff all give you a kiss, you up for it

After I said that his face was still red as he just nodded his head agreeing to it unable to speak when I then got up to leave

Miya: Elie if I do win you can't do it in you disguise for S got it

Me: of course see you later

Time skip

When I got home I hoped off my board walking through the gate heading straight to my room as I hide my new board then started the little amount of homework I had as I grabbed my phone looking at the time to see that dad wasn't home yet as I smiled to myself walking over to his study searching the room to see if I could find any of his skate stuff when I then find his mask in one of the drawers and take a picture of it when I then look out the window to see his car pulling up in the driveway

'Fuck I need to hurry up the house an't that big' when I then put every thing back as I take one last look around the room when I see a little light like the kind you see when a camera is one as I see it and then just take it as I quickly get out of the room walking back to mine

Not long after returning to my room I hear a knock on the door as shove the camera into one of my drawers

Me: come in

I say try my best not to sound nerves as I see my dad/Adam walk in as he said a quick hello looking around my room as if he was trying to find something then leaveing saying it was nothing

About five minutes or years after he left my room I got up and locked the door as I took my laptop out along with the camera finding a USB inside of it probably with all the footage on it as I plugged it into my laptop starting to look through it as I Dleated any foreget it caught of me stealing his stuff or looking around his study when I then saw something from yesterday night were he was looking at the race between snow and shadow

Me: fuck

I say to myself after looking at the footage and see him call snow his Eve, and becoming traumatized as I saw my own dad wearing nothing. But after that, taking out my bottom drawer to find a lock box with the words 'skate till you die' engraved into it as I open up the box to see a skate tool, skate board parts, some old lighters and a few cigarette I found looking through his study before then putting the camera and USB in it making sure from the second time that the camera was off locking the box shut and putting everything back were it was before as I go and lay down on my bed

Me: how the fuck have I survived living in a house full of secrets like this for so long... It was probably all the truma from mom's death or something

I say to myself thinking about how they just started shouting out of nowhere and crying at the thought of her and how scared I was when it all happened, becoming thankful that my room was on the Northside of the house away from everyone for the most part, I ended up crying myself to sleep... But at least I got some sleep


I feel like that a good place to end so ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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