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To whoever may concern and read this,
My fourth project, titled "My Side of the Story", is a collection of poems. The journey I am about to take you on is all about vulnerability, growth, healing and letting go. Furthermore, it is also characterised by some real world events happening recently. The collection is mainly composed of old songs I wrote in the past readapted into poetry, but the collection itself also contains various poems written in the past few years and in more recent times. In addition, some other poems I wrote — and that wouldn't fit on any other previous project — are now seeing the light and being readapted into this work as well. Coming up with this concept was quite unusual, but it really came from the bottom of my heart. Initially, the original title I came up with was "From Me To You" and it was way different than what it actually is now. It was more about "leaving a message" to my future me from my present & past self. Eventually, it ended up being way more: this is me storytelling about who I am to a greater extent and this is something that somehow felt lacking in any other work of art I created before. With this collection, I wanted to show you a different side of me, I wanted to analyse and go way deeper into my own identity and life's considerations in general. This is probably the most vulnerable and real I have ever been. Hello, I am Michael and this is my side of the story.

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