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" Partner. I am hyung's partner , " Juyeon was flabbergasted hearing that . He basically went silent as various scenarios run through this head .   ' It can't be...no way...'

But he soon came back to his sense when Changmin hit that person on the head . " *smacks* Shut the fuck up Soobinnie! I said I am not going to be your partner for the upcoming double team competition , you brat! "

"Ouch! But why hyung?! " Soobin complained holding his head .

" You don't need to know , " Changmin gave him a glare .

" Uh...okay hyung :( " Soobin's head dropped in disappointed. " But we are still going to eat tteokbokki together right ? "

" Yeah yeah. " Changmin ruffled the tall boy's hair . And seeing them like this Juyeon's heart sunk , cause it was like he was invisible to them , to Changmin .

" Changmin..? " Juyeon tugged his shirt , drawing Changmin's attention to himself .

" Oh!Yes Juyo! Sorry I forgot to introduce you two . This guy here is my junior from the tennis academy. "

" Hello . " Juyeon flashed a smile .

" And this is Juyo , I mean Juyeon . My hyung's cousin and also my friend. " Changmin hugged Juyeon's arm like he always does . Which somewhat made Juyeon's mood better to be honest .

" Oh hi Juyeon hyung! " Soobin separated them to hug Juyeon . " It's really nice to meet you! Minnie hyung always talks about you . "

' Fuck he calls him minnie... '   " Yes , nice to meet you too . Although it's my first time hearing about you . " Juyeon specially empathized the words "first time" .

" Oh is that so ? " They both glared at each other . The atmosphere suddenly turned iced cold . " Well then should we eat together, to get to know each other better ? *smirks* "

" That's a great idea Soobinnie! Would you join us for some tteokbokki, Juyo ? "

' *smiles*  So it's tteokbokki again . '     " I would really like that , Changmin . " Juyeon answered .


" I am really really thankful to you Juyo . " Changmin said finishing his serving of tteokbokki. " If it was not for you , I will not be able to eat this delicious tteokbokki. "

And Juyeon just smiled in return. He again remembered , he can do absolutely anything to see Changmin happy .

" Why though hyung ? " Soobin asked in confusion.

" Well Soobinnie ,I did something bad and was on tteokbokki ban by hyung . "

" Tteokbokki ban? No way! How could someone live without tteokbokki?! "

" I know right ! Anyway , Juyo here convinced hyung to lift the ban . And you know what ? I might even kiss him I am that grateful to Juyo! "

' Kiss...? ' Juyeon touched his lips unconsciously . ' Hmm...I might actually like that if it's from Changmin . '

" Haha hyung . You are really  good at making jokes . " Soobin laughed. But he immediately turned silent and bitter when he saw Changmin's "I am not joking though." expression.

AUTHORS NOTE : Guys it's not my fault that I couldn't update yall yesterday!! And I am saying the truth!

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AUTHORS NOTE : Guys it's not my fault that I couldn't update yall yesterday!! And I am saying the truth!

AUTHORS NOTE : Guys it's not my fault that I couldn't update yall yesterday!! And I am saying the truth!

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See, it was wattpad who didn't let me!! It was like this for most of the past week! :'(

And if you ask , what about your phone ? :/

Well, it is now off limits bc of my studies... #brownparents :)


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