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" Young master , everything is ready for the meeting. We can go now . " Secretary Park put some file in front of Sangyeon . But suddenly Sangyeon's phone rang up .

Ring Ring !

" Wait a second, secretary Park. " Sangyeon said and secretary park gave him a nod in reply . " Hello...Yes this is Lee Sangyeon......WHAT? IS HE OKAY?.....hah...okay I will reach there as soon as possible." and ended the call .

" Is there any problem, young master ? " Secretary Park asked with concern seeing Sangyeon hurriedly putting on his coat and take the car keys .

" It's Changmin . He fought with someone at school...again. And had a mental breakdown afterwards ." Sangyeon sighed.

" Is he okay ? "

" I hope so...And secretary Park please- " Before Sangyeon could finish his sentence, secretary Park spoke.

" No need to worry about the meeting, young master .I will take care of it . You should go to young master Changmin instead. And should I tell lawyer Shin to also go? "

" Yes and thank you . " Sangyeon thanked him and left his office.


When Sangyeon opened the door to the teacher's room , he saw Juyeon and Changmin seating beside each other. Changmin's eyes were red and puffy like he had cried for 3 hours straight and knuckles looked blooded from punching something or someone .

" Minnie ? " Sangyeon called out in worry seeing Changmin's state.

And as soon as Changmin heard Sangyeon , he ran towards him and hugged his waist tightly. " Hyung! " , tears started to fall from Changmin's eyes again . " It's all my fault! *sobs* I am sorry ! I should have died ! Why did noona had to die hyung ? "

" Hah...Minnie it was not your fault...it really wasn't..." Hugging him back , Sangyeon continued to caress Changmn's back in a hope to consoling him . Maybe sending him back school when Changmin was still not stable was really a mistake, Sangyeon thought as Changmin continued to cry in his arms . After a moment Sangyeon asked Juyeon to take Changmin and wait together in his , so that he can take care of the mess . And Changmin didn't protest as he was just too exhausted .

" Lawyer Shin please come in . " Sangyeon said on the phone. " So teacher, shall we take care of this matter ? " , turning to Changmin's homeroom teacher Sangyeon said in a calm voice . Which made the atmosphere turned cold as if they were in Antarctica .

" Actually we decided to expel him. " The teacher replied.

" I understand . After what Changmin did today , it was expected. And lawyer Shin here will take care of the compensation for the injured student. I am extremely sorry- " Sanyeon was about to bow when the teacher hurriedly stopped him .

" No Mr.Lee you are misunderstanding. We are not expelling Changmin but the other student. "

" Huh? What ??? "

" The truth is...about 30+ plus students submitted proof that they were being bullied by that student and some also said that Changmin only beat him up after he said something inappropriate about him . So after discussing with the principal and taking note of Changmin's mental health , he only has to do volunteer work for 3 months as a punishment . "            [ a/n: DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF JCM LOVERS CLUB/GC . ]

" Ah..okay... " Sangyeon was bewildered .

" But the students parents still want compensation... "

" No no teacher . You already did what you could . It was Changmin's fault to injure him that badly . And don't worry about the compensation , we are more than willing to give it to them and lawyer Shin here will take care of it . " After saying that Sangyeon left lawyer Shin to do his job and went to his car to drive Changmin and Juyeon home .

The drive was all silent until they reached home .

" We are here . " Sangyeon parked his car .

" Umm...hyung ? " Juyeon spoke timidly in response.

" What is it Juyeon ? "

" Changmin fell asleep... " Juyeon pointed at the person passed out on his shoulder. " Should I woke him up ? " he asked .

" No Juyeon it's okay...He needs the sleep so I will carry him to his room instead. "


After tucking Changmin in , Sangyeon returned to living room where Juyeon was already waiting for him .

" Do you want to say something Juyeon ? " Sangyeon asked seeing Juyeon all tensed .

" Umm...so hyung can please tell me what happened to Changmin for him to be like this?...please. "

" Hah...now that you are quite involved in minnie's life...I will tell you . "

" Thank you hyung . " Juyeon felt relieved hearing that . At last he was about to learn the truth .

" You know how Sarang's mom , minnie's noona passed away in a car accident? "

" Yes . "

" Well it happened after minnie's they were returning from minnie's dance competition and minnie was with her in the car . We all knew he blamed himself for it . But we didn't know that it was eating him inside that much...He endured for 2 years...however after winning in this years Asian games . I don't know what happened but Minnie...he...he tried to commit suicide by cutting his wrist...we barely saved him. And after that he was receiving therapy for a month . They told us that he was stable now...but after seeing him today I guess he is still not stable...I...I can't bear to see minnie like this Juyeon-ah you know...It really hurts... " there were tears in Sangyeon's eyes .

Juyeon could clearly see how much it hurt Sangyeon . Why Sangyeon was so protective of Changmin . Why Changmin hated the word "dance" . Why Changmin behaved this way . Why he thought that he doesn't deserve to...live .

It also hurt Juyeon . He wanted to see Changmin happy and smile like he used to he saw from the phothos before all of that happened to him .

Juyeon wanted to make Changmin want to live his life cause he believed Changmin deserved it .

AUTHORS NOTE: So I am back !!! My exams weren't that great but still finished it at least  :)

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

AUTHORS NOTE: So I am back !!! My exams weren't that great but still finished it at least  :)



اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


| SMILE ◡̈ | - JI CHANGMIN X LEE JUYEON  [ jukyu ]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن