[Bonus Chapter] House Flipping Freakshow!

Start from the beginning

Gwen: "6 hours of this crap with barely any coffee to spare.. least the pays semi worth it.."

[She suddenly hears a bunch of clanging coming from somewhere in the building, she checks the cameras to see that one of the suits in the back is gone. She smerks and puts the camera down again. She hears metallic banging and turns to see a large robotic bear standing at the window.]

Gwen: "Haha, very funny (Y/N)."[She says in a sarcastic but playful tone.]

(Y/N): "That ain't me."

[She turns and sees you taking off the head of the empty costume. She turns back around only to see the bear standing right in front of her.]

Garbage Man (And Woman):

[You go to throw a bag into the truck when suddenly a book falls out. You take it and it reveals to have a pentagram on the front. You look around and see that no ones looking as you put the book away.]


[It's late at night, once Gwen's asleep, you take out the book again, this time you notice there is a title on the front.]

(Y/N): "How to become The Helltaker?"


[It's a new morning as Gwen comes down the stairs and stops, to see you and 11 other girls. All formally dressed, minus one who looks to have a bikini and white chains wrapped around her fists, as well as an angel holding a notepad, you all looking at Gwen in silence before the one holding a wine glass speaks up.]

Lucifer: "He bribed us with pancakes."

[Gwen looks at you and raises an eyebrow.]

(Y/N): "Uhh... I can explain..."


[After a few months of nothing, you both are sitting on the couch, agitated and stressed on how to make money.]

(Y/N): "This sucks.. all of these jobs but none lasted over a month..."

Gwen: "Yeah... looks like we're just gonna have to be stuck on the streets..."

[She sighs and turns on the TV.]

Announcer: "Yeah you, yeah yeah, you! Are you a nobody?"

Gwen: "Yeah?"

Announcer: "Are you looking for a job?"

[You and Gwen sit up at the sound of that.]

(Y/N): "Yeah!"

Announcer: "And are you replying to this commercial like an absolute idiot?"

Gwen & (Y/N): "Yeah..."

Announcer: "Well apply now at Hanks House Helpers! We help people who are about to move in design their homes almost as if they did it themselves!  Except they didn't because they're lazy bums but who cares you still get payed! We have low standards! No benefits! And minimum wage! Call the number on screen to apply now!"

[You and Gwen look at each other, both with smiles on your faces.]


[You're both standing outside a fairly large house that looks like no one's lived in it for years as Gwen reads off a paper.]

Gwen: "Okay, so it's just a husband and wife with their new born baby. They're moving in next week so we need to get this done before then."

(Y/N): "Sounds easy enough, welp, this house ain't gonna fix itself! Come on!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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