TordEdd (Tord x Edd)

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-HAI BOZOS!! Still in this hyperfixation so still going to keep writing these. I just can't get enough of the angst, it's just so good mwah. So enjoy this trash lmao.

-This takes place in a semi-AU aka WTFuture time period, after the events in The End with a small sprinkle of extra angst cause I do what I want xd-

-Dedicated to my bestest bestie Toxi, who I hate with all my heart <3-

The shady streets echoed as rain poured down onto the building and pavements below. Families cowered in their homes, scared to be out after dark, especially in pouring rain. Drunks coming out of bars, slipping and laughing loudly as they wandered. Cars zooming down streets, people getting to their jobs and out of the city in general. None of them were safe. Soldiers littered the streets, all on nightly patrol looking for any members of the Rebel Army. The Rebel Army had been causing issues for the Red Army for years now, one wanting world domination and the other wanting reform to their dear country. Though their goals were straightforward, the relationship between the leaders....was not. Former friends turned bitter enemies made the attacks on each other personal. Devastating casualties and the crumbling of parts of the city displayed the continuous war occurring in the country. The Rebel Army leader, Edd, was making his way back to the Rebel base. He had gone out to gather supplies and check with outside sources about what was happening inside the Red Army. His plan was to gut them from the inside out. And watch as Red Leader's life's work crumbled. It's what he deserved. At least Edd thought so. He popped the collar of his black coat, doing his best to conceal his face in the shadowy rain. He passed dozens of soldiers, most of which were complaining about the weather conditions. He heard a familiar voice yelling commands.

"Keep looking. Intel says he went out today. Find him. NOW!" The voice boomed.

Edd let out a shaky sigh. 'I'm almost there.' he thought to himself. 'I won't go out for a while after this.'

Edd turned a corner, having the base in his sights now. He began to jog, anxiousness getting the better of him. He was wrong to do so. A group of men emerged from the shadows. They were covered in head to toe in black. He began to step backwards, wanting to make a run for it at the perfect moment. He continued slowly before backing into something behind him. He turned his head to see another man, much bigger than the rest. Edd growled under his breath, pissed he let himself get cornered like this. Thankfully he was armed. He'd at least be able to cause a distraction to leave. He carefully lowered his hand to the pocket in which the gun was stored. Alas, it was lights out for Edd.


"Paul you're killing me here. You haven't seen ANY sign of him?" Red Leader spat.

"Well sir. It's not that easy. He's going more and more under the radar. He knows the bounty on his head." Paul stated simply.

"I. Don't. CARE. I want him HERE. NO EXCUSES. OR I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD. YOU HEAR ME?" Red Leader screamed at his soldier.

"Yes sir."

Paul walked out of the leader's office, the door shutting quietly after him. Red Leader slammed his hands on his desk angrily. 'Where was HE.' While the relationship between Red Leader and Edd was always seen as a rivalry filled with hatred; it was more than that. Way more. Inside of the Red Leader that everyone was familiar with, was a normal guy who loved bacon and had a huge crush on Edd. And his name was Tord. Red Leader and Tord were two halves of a whole. When he was fighting against the army and conquering cities and countries, Red Leader was shining. But as soon as Edd showed his face and looked at him, Tord peeked through. His face flushed and he became soft. If Edd got hurt, Tord would make Red Leader retreat. No questions asked. It confused his army soldiers and made it much more difficult to get rid of the Rebel Army. Tord didn't care. As long as Edd was ok. And right now, Tord was worried. Edd was his number 1 priority. And now he didn't know where he was. Tord was going to be taking control now.

TordEdd/TomMatt Oneshots :3Where stories live. Discover now