TordEdd (Tord x Edd)

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-Hellooo! Switching my focus to this book for a moment! I have a lot of TordEdd ideas on hand but never really write them so why not do it now? -

-This story is semi-AU in which it takes place in WTFuture and after the incidents in The End. Some angsty TordEdd if you will.-

-Dedicated to my super awesome swag best friend Toxi, who listens to my Tordedd rambles on the daily.-

Edd was running. Running fast. Faster than any speed he's ever ran before. Yelling could be heard from behind him. Protests to stop running and surrender. Edd only looked ahead. His life was at stake. Edd eventually hit a dead end. How comedic. He looked for anywhere to climb. Anywhere to crawl out of. Nothing. Just pure bricks and stone. Fuck. He turned around and was faced with a group of around 5 or so army members around him. Guns loaded and grins wide.

"Red Leader is gonna love that we finally got this one." One spoke.

"Very much! We will surely get raises with this!" Another cheered.

The first one stepped closer to Edd, his boots crunching in the winter snow. He went to grab one of Edd's arms but was met with a punch to the face, courtesy of Edd. The other one who spoke earlier ran up and hit Edd in the side of the head with the end of his gun, hard, causing Edd to grunt before hitting the icy floor. Edd could feel small amounts of blood trickling from the side of his head, leaving red splotches in the snow below. He tried to shakily get up before being met with a gun to his face by a grinning Red Army soldier

"Let's not try that again prison-" the man started.

A gunshot was heard. Two gunshots. Three.

The man in front of Edd fell into the snow beside Edd. Edd felt his breath hitch. He panted roughly before looking over to his left where the body lay. Blood seeping from the carcass, mostly from the head and torso. Edd slowly turned to look up, seeing two familiar faces. Not the ones he'd wish to see but familiar nonetheless.

"Thank you Paul. You all remember the rules. No hurting 'Green'. No matter the circumstances." The first familiar man stated flatly.

'Paul' lowered his gun and readjusted it over his shoulder, before nodding. The rest of the army members nodded shakily, still eyeing their former colleague bleeding out before them.

"You want me to get him Pat?" Paul mumbled out, cigarette still in his mouth.

"Yes. Since obviously these ones can't follow orders." Pat hissed.

Paul nodded before walking towards Edd, disregarding the body. He offered a hand for Edd to take. Edd looked at him for a moment, still a bit shaken.

"C'mon, we'll get you away from these guys. And we'll get you patched up. Y'know Boss likes you." Paul spoke as gently as possible, still gesturing his hand.

Edd eventually grabbed Paul's hand, shakily regaining balance. Paul threw him over his shoulder holding his waist to keep him up.

"We're all good Pat. Just need the blindfold." Paul called for his partner.

Pat nodded, grabbing said blindfold from his coat pocket. He handed it to Paul, who put it on Edd. Edd, too dazed to really complain, complied. Pat rounded up the rest of the army members, scolding them for their ignorance. The group began their walk to the base, Edd groaning most of the time.

"We're almost there 'Green'. Just a few more miles." Pat spoke dryly.

"W-why am I Green?" Edd asked, having mostly regained control of himself.

"It is your code name. Boss insists we use it." Paul explained, taking a puff of his cigarette.

Edd sighed before rolling his eyes under the blindfold. 'He's always so dramatic with these things.'

TordEdd/TomMatt Oneshots :3Where stories live. Discover now