TordEdd (Tord x Edd)

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-Ok so not MaxNeil I'm sorry I'll write one of those soon I swear. I've just had this one sitting on me for a bit and I'm back in this fandom shush. Anyways enjoy this!

He wished he'd just go away. Vacate his mind. Leave his memories for good. But, that red hooded devil always made his way back.

Edd yawned, sitting up and stretching his arms out as much as he could. He slowly slipped off of his mattress and hobbled over to his closet. He opened it slowly to reveal the blood red hoodie. He smiled softly at it.
"G'morning Tord." He said aloud.
He rubbed the sleeve on his cheek before sighing. He let the sleeve go and slowly closed the closet door. He then made his way to his kitchen, sad and empty it was. Edd rubbed his eyes and blinked and became aware of the kitchen area. He opened the fridge door and peeked inside. There wasn't much but bulk packs of cola, bacon, and some other cold foods. He grabbed a can of cola before shutting the door. He made his way to the couch and sat down comfortably. This was Edd's normal routine at this point. Unless Tom or Matt wanted to do something he'd just sit in his apartment and do absolutely nothing. Speaking of which, his phone dinged from his room. Edd sighed, placing his cola on the coffee table. He walked back over to his room and looked at the notifications. It was from Tom saying him and Matt were going to go bike riding and if he'd like to join. He obviously wasn't going to say no so he typed back a quick 'yes' and set his phone back down. He walked over to his closet, opening it for the second time that morning. He grabbed his signature green hoodie and slipped it on. Edd's gaze then fell to the red worn out hoodie. He looked at it, sadness filling his eyes this time.
Wish you could come with us.
Edd shut the closet door before grabbing his phone and wallet. He walked back out to the living room area and grabbed his cola from the coffee table, already eager to crack it open. He then opened his door and took one more look at his house before exiting.

-Time-Skip brought to you by me plowing your mother-

Edd was EXHAUSTED. That biking really did something to a person. They had biked for several miles before finally stopping for food. They then had to bike back and that proved too much for Edd. Edd walked back into his apartment a sweaty mess. It was later now, around 7pm. Edd set down his phone and wallet on the kitchen counter before going into the fridge to grab yet another cola. He quickly chugged it down. Finally refreshed, he went to his bathroom to cleanse himself from the dreadful sweat. After his delightful shower, Edd made his way to his room, where he was greeted with his drawing table and worn out mattress. He quickly flopped down on it, already falling asleep. He took a last look at his closet, mumbling a 'G'night Tord.' before drifting of into slumber.
Edd was rudely awoken to a mixture of noises coming from outside his bedroom. He looked outside and it was still dark. He looked at his bedroom clock which read 2:34 AM. He frowned and tried to burrow his way back into his covers. But the noises persisted. He groaned and covered his head with a pillow hoping to drown the noise out better.
Edd's eyes snapped open. A voice? Was someone in his home? Was someone robbing him? He shuddered at the thought. He quickly but quietly got up from his bed and went to his closet. Inside he had stored a bat from previous adventures and now for self defense. He held it up, near his neck, slowly making his way out of his bedroom. He peeked out and saw a very obvious human like figure in the kitchen. They were slightly illuminated by the shining moon outside yet it was still hard to see them. Edd's eyes searched for the light switch. It was near the perpetrator.
'Damn can't turn on the lights.'
He slowly inched out of the bedroom and ducked behind his kitchen counter.
"Ow Ow Ow Hot."
Hot? What was hot? And the voice...
Edd's nose twitched as a familiar smell filled his senses. Bacon. Was the perpetrator making...bacon?! Edd's mind was spinning. What the hell was going on? He decided to risk it and quickly jolt up, catching attention of the perp. They spun around, simply staring. Edd rose the bat above his head and was ready to swing it down. But he stopped. Everything had stopped. Edd's hands became limp, slowly letting the bat fall behind him. The perpetrator didn't move at all, still gazing at Edd. Edd's eyes began to well up, his lip quivering, his body shaking. The perpetrator walked over to the light switch and flicked it with a small clik!

There he stood. The red hooded devil that haunted his thoughts. Who's memory stayed in the closet of his bedroom.




Edd leapt at the man, embracing him in the tightest hug he's ever given. He buried his face in Tord's coat, breathing in the scent he missed so much. Edd felt arms wrap around his torso as Tord returned the embrace. They sat there for several long moments, hugging eachother while slightly swaying a bit. The beautiful moment was interrupted by a burning smell in the kitchen. Edd sniffed the air and looked at Tord with a confused face. Tord immediately looked at the stove and panicked. He let go of Edd and turned the stove off, quickly shoving the pan with a now burnt piece of bacon on it to the side. He awkwardly chuckled before turning to Edd.
"Sorry Edd, got a little hungry after getting here. hope you don't mind my rudeness."
Edd didn't mind at all. He was just studying Tord now. The scars on the left side of his face. His left arm being mostly bandaged up. Him now sporting a blue coat over his damaged looking red hoodie. He looked more tired, sad. Edd looked at him with a smile.
"I'm just happy you're here."
Tord gawked at him.
"Really? Y-you aren't mad at me?"
Edd chuckled at this.
"A part of me is mad at you. Telling me this isn't right. But I missed you so much it doesn't even matter."
Tord was taken aback. He expected to be booted out once he was caught, yelled at and ridiculed by his former friend. But, he let him in. He was smiling at him. Tord couldn't help but tear up. He slowly embraced Edd again. Burying his head in Edd's brown locks. Edd quickly snuggled back into the embrace. He felt comfortable and happy until he heard small sniffles coming from Tord. Edd sighed, understanding that he needed this. He hugged Tord tighter to signify he was there for comfort.
"I'm so sorry Edd. I didn't mean to hurt you like I did. I don't deserve your comfort. I ruined your life. I almost killed your friends. How can you just take me in? After everything I have done?"

"Because I love you dummy."

-Ta-da! Angst and some fluff I guess...I love these too so much help...

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