TomMatt (Tom x Matt)

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-HAI!! Back here again! I'm gonna update the stinky BATIM book eventually I'm just low on ideas waa. Until then, more eddsworld oneshots yipee!! This one is Tomatt though! Requested by my dearest friend Toxi, who is only friends with me for Tomatt content. Enjoy!

-This takes place in the Saloonatics AU. So their personalities will be adjusted accordingly. (It's also hella cliche and its just dorks being gay lmao.)-

-Dedicated to Toxi's stupid ass cause they want me to punch them rn.-

Twas a normal day in Spitbucket. The sun was beaming vicious heat waves down on the townspeople. The local sheriff was fast asleep inside a saloon, dozens of bottles surrounding him. He'd spent yet another night drinking his life away before passing out on the counter. He was awoken by a loud slam next to his head. He jolted up and looked to where the noise came from. It was the bartender as always, giving him a disappointing glare. In his hand was a glass of water for the sheriff to take. The sheriff took it with a sigh. He took a few large gulps from the it before setting the empty glass back down.

"You can't just keep drinking your feelings away in here Thompson." The bartender spoke sincerely.

"What do you know? I'm not drinking any feelings away. I just like to drink!" Thompson spat back at the bartender.

"Yea? Then what about that prince you keep eyeing? I've seen my fair share of loving looks and the looks you give that there prince are nothing far from it." The bartender responded, wiping down the area where Thompson's head was previously laying.

Thompson's face flushed at the thought of the prince. The handsome ginger Matthew that he had saved from bandits with the help of a British detective just a couple months prior. Soon after being saved, Matthew rewarded the sheriff with a peck on his forehead and the sheriff was head over heels since. No one knew however, well except the bartender now. He had a reputation to uphold. He was a cold sheriff who took no shit from anyone. But that prince...

"SHERIFF! SHEEEEERIFFFF!" A voice rang through the saloon.

Thompson snapped out of his daydream and spun around to the voice he heard.


"OH SHERIFF THERE YOU ARE! I WAS LOOKING FOR YOU EVERYWHERE!" Matthew cried to the shorter male.

"Y-ya were?" Thompson spoke, trying to keep his composure together.

"YES YES! I NEED YOU AND EDWARD'S HELP TERRIBLY!" The prince cried out once more.

Edward eventually appeared in the saloon, panting heavily like he had run a marathon. He walked towards the other two and gave Thompson a smile. The bartender's normally dull eyes lit up at the sight of Edward before he hurried to grab a glass of water for him. Thompson took notice of that before putting his attention back on Matthew.

"What happened then? Spit it out." Thompson spoke coldly.


"Matthew, for the last time, all of your suits are purple." Edward panted out, still catching his breath slightly.

"BUT THIS ONE IS SPECIAL!" Matthew sobbed.

Edward rubbed his temple before being met with a glass of water next to him. He looked up to the bartender who gave him a big smile and gestured to it. Edward gave him a small smile back before taking the glass and sipping from it.

"Thank" Edward stopped, forgetting the bartender's name.

"TODD! Erm, it's Todd." Todd the bartender shouted.

TordEdd/TomMatt Oneshots :3Where stories live. Discover now