Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye

766 7 7

A/N: mentions of death - suicide and many more heavy topics... 

Jade tried hard to drown out the noise that rang in her head. She lay on the floor of the apartment - the one that seemingly was not hit with a single bomb that eventful day...

It had been a few days since the mission ended... All Jade could hear was Taps ringing throughout her skull... 

Bradley lay on the floor next to her, AirPods also connected to Jade's iPhone... they lay on the floor of the apartment, both trying to drown out the noise of the Taps despite the fact they would be hearing them once again as they attended yet another funeral. 

"Pink Floyd... The Wall... Again?" Bradley asked after what were hours of complete silence. 

"It's how I feel Bradley... I need something that hits the soul... This does..." Jade sighed, turning over and laying her head on Bradley's chest as she turned the music down slightly and switches their air pods from noise canceling to transparency mode. She sighed as the song came to an end, "How are we going to get through this particular funeral? It's all three of our squadrons from that day... out of 29 personnel only... 11 of us survived... three from the 86ers, six from the daggers, and two from the dooms... Almost my entire squadron Bradley. I was a horrible leader" 

Bradley rubbed Jade's back, "No, Jade you're not - they knew the risks, and you prepared them more than anyone. When you explained the mission you made it aware that most of them wouldn't come home. You couldn't have done any more, none of us could have." 

The next song played...

Damn was this album really hitting today... and Jade knew that was not a good thing. 

"I wonder how Natasha will be today... The poor thing..." Jade rambled on. 

"I don't know how she'll get through it... And you? How are you feeling right now?" Bradley asked. 

"Numb. I'm just so numb... I need to get out of this place for a long while. I think I'm taking medical leave..." Jade sighed. 

"After all that - I think we're all taking medical leave..." Bradley sighed and looked down at his watch, "Look's about time for us to get up, We've got to be in dress blues today..." 

Jade huffed and stood up, "Let's get dressed then, BB. After that, we're out of here. I don't think I can make it through another Taps, let alone be in this place for another night." 

It only took an hour for Bradley and Jade to reach the graveyard where the ceremonies were to take place. There were eighteen caskets - closed of course - were lined up under. At the head of each of the caskets was a photo of each of the deceased pilots/rios/wsos.

Jade and Bradley walked side by side - not allowed to hold hands - as they viewed each casket. 

The first is... 

Ron Kerner: Callsign Slider. Top Gun Graduate of the Class of 86

 Top Gun Graduate of the Class of 86

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