All Hands on Deck

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Although we all drove separately - we all arrived at the locker room around the same time. We all dressed in the same locker room, it had become a shared space - because everyone was respectful of one another. 

They all were silent as they got dressed in their flight suits. Not quiet, silent. Jade mumbled fearing her own voice as it filled the emptiness, "Guys - this, this..." she couldn't find the words. She sighed, and shook her head as she took a deep breath, "Could this mean war?" 

If silence could become quieter, it did at that moment. It seemed that no one would answer the question, they all knew the answer - that was yes, this could and most likely would cause another world war to break out. Who knew how large this mobilization was from the enemy... Obviously, it must be large considering the mass amount of pilots Admiral Beau has ordered to North Island. How long would it take for the world to unite and mobilize against the enemy? They did just explode that uranium plant in the Dagger Squad mission that was in violation of NATA law. We helped our NATA neighbors there. Would they help us? Surely. 

Norman aka Stealer spoke next, slamming his locker shut, causing every pilot in the room to look at him, "I think the more defeating question is who are we going to lose?" He then looked across the locker room into Jade's eyes. 

Everyone turned to look at Jade, like she somehow knew the answer, "Guys - I," She paused before straightening her shoulders as she put the final touches on her flight suit, attaching her new helmet to her waist with a clip. Her teammates, no her colleagues, no - her family, needed her leadership and advice. She would give it, she took a deep breath, "We're going to lose people - a lot of people you know this. We're not going to come away from this unscratched, unbroken, mentally okay... some of us might not even come out of this with a heartbeat. There will be nothing we can tell their families, no heart that won't ache after this. But you know what we will have? What we always will have has fighter pilots. People to protect. People who not only fund our paychecks and planes but people who depend on us. Families, little boys, and girls running around who have no clue as to how dangerous the world is! We will lose, each other, we will lose this family we have created over the past thirteen weeks - don't fool yourselves! But we will never not have people to protect - we will all throw our lives down for them before they all perish. Is this understood? We protect those who cannot protect themselves." Jade puffed out her chest. 

Norman nodded toward Jade reaching his hand out to shake hers, "I'll follow your lead any day, Mitchell" 

Jade accepted the invitation and pulled him in for a typical "bro hug". She laughed, "Bullshit Stealer, I'll follow yours!" 

With that Captain Mitchell and Lieutenant Bradshaw entered the locker room, "It's time to go Aviators." Maverick called hanging his head low. 

Jade's heart ached, she can't lose them two. She'd do anything not to lose them two - she had only just found them again. Why - why did the enemy have to be so cruel?! 

They arrived at the hangar as Admiral Beau briefed the older pilots on what the mission would include - just the basics of the information the Admiral had already briefed them on prior - after he let the beans spill at Penny's house. There had been some Top Gun Graduates in the room - including a few who might not have passed but were still in the system. There must have been about one hundred other pilots in the room, some way too old to fly - but surely helping out with the mission in some way. 

Maverick and Rooster going to sit with their own groups - this Top Gun class waited off to the side for the Admiral to finish. They awaited recognition and command to be seated. 

Admiral Beau continued on, with no disruption at all to what he had been saying before they entered, " - as you can see this mission will most likely soon be followed by NATA protocol, after that who knows what will ensue - but we must all be prepared, there will be little vacation time after this mission for those of you physically able to be stationed. That being said, I'd like to introduce the newest group, who had to join us later due to the fact they merely graduated a few hours ago. I'm sorry graduates to be sending you out to the dogs to fight for not only your lives but the lives of the world in this mass mobilization." 

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