My Girl?!

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Jessica answered the phone, "hello, Mitchell/Benjamin residence." 

Pete answered with tears streaming down his face, his students watched him from around the corner, they'd never thought Pete Mitchell to be one to cry in public like this, " Jess, its Pete. Bradley and Jade crashed. They're on the way to the Fighter Town hospital. I'm heading over there now. I have to go to follow the helicopter, don't freak out." Pete then hung up the phone. 

He had never ran to his bike faster, he chased after the helicopter. This time it wasn't racing the aircraft but trying to keep up with it. It wasn't fun, it was absolutely horrifying. When he got to the hospital he couldn't keep his kickstand up. So he simply threw his bike to the ground and ran in straight to the front of the counter. The receptionist knew it was important, she worked in the Fighter Town hospital after all, when you see a man running up to you in flight gear, you go straight to them and assume the worst, "Can I help you sir?" 

"Three of my students were just flown in. There was a crash. Please two, one is my daughter and the other is my best friends son, who I am a guardian of. Please help me." Pete's words were rushed. The receptionist was shocked, never had she seen a pilot act this way, but she understood every word. It was the words of a terrified parent, this was her first day back from maternity leave. She called her co-worker to help the other people at the counter while she came around the desk to see to Maverick. She was a nurse after all, and only filling in for another person who took a bathroom break. 

"Sir, it will be alright. I will take care of them, let's go find them. They're going to be in the trauma unit so don't freak out too much at what you see alright? The important thing is to remain calm. Now can I have their names? All three of the students names? And yours as well" The nurse lead Pete down a hallway and into a quiet section of the hospitals waiting rooms. It was a little section separated off in the hallway, not too big a place where Pete wouldn't freak out too much. 

"Well, the names are Jared Janson. My daughter's name is Jade Mitchell, and my well I guess my godson, his name is Bradley Bradshaw. I- I'm Captain Pete Mitchell." Pete took a deep breath and tried to relax. 

The nurse looked up at him, "Bradshaw as in Nick Bradshaw? Is that his son?" 

Pete nodded, "Yes it is. Why do you ask?" 

The nurse smiled at him, "Well, after that fateful day, they named our trauma units main hallway after Nick. It's called Bradshaw Boulevard." 

Pete smiled, "That's a great memento to a great man." 

The nurse searched the names in her computer and responded, "Alright. It looks like they are all settled into their rooms, which are all just down this hallway. Seems Bradshaw is just being treated in his room for some shock and PTSD, most likely from his father's death it seems. You can go see him if you'd like. Jared Janson is settled as well. Just doing routine scans. Your daughter Captain Mitchell, they are more concerned about. I shouldn't be telling you this, but, I would want someone to do the same for me if I was in your position. I just became a mom, and this is my first day back. I would want someone to tell me what was going on with my child. Anyway, looks like they are concerned about her neck and back. There is considerable bruising. She was unconscious upon arrival, and she is being taken in for scans at the moment. She is stable however, trust me. I will do everything in my power to keep you updated." The nurse then stood up. 

Pete stood up as well, hugging the nurse, "Thank you so much. You don't understand how much this means to me. I had no clue she was even my daughter until, until I watched her crash and descend from up above. So in a way, I am also new to this parenting thing. I've only known she was mine for a few well what seems like minutes, but if I lost her. I don't think I'd ever be okay again." 

Top Gun: G-ForceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora