Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw

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Yes, Bradley Bradshaw had decided to come into Jade's tiny little navy-supplied apartment. He had gotten a shower and changed into dry clothes he had in the compartment of his motorcycle. Jade had also gotten changed, her hair was still in a bun from this morning so she just left it up. Once Bradley had sat on the couch in her tiny living area, Jade brought in two cups of coffee to hopefully sober them up enough for tomorrow morning. After a few minutes - and a few sips of coffee - Bradley began speaking first, "What's up Jade? I know it's been awhile, and you weren't expecting to see Mav here, let alone me flying with him. Come on let's talk it out, no class, no Top Gun. Just us, like old times." 

Jade sighed placing her cup of coffee on the coffee table, "well, I've been okay I guess. Great actually, until this point. I graduated Flight School, got sent out to the Indian Ocean fighting the enemy. Hearing Uncle Ice died while I was out there, hurt me a lot. Still bummed I didn't make it to the funeral, plan to go see his grave soon. And yeah, I wasn't surprised to see you here. I saw you when I got off of the plane they flew me in on a few weeks ago. And I saw you hanging out with the Dagger Squad before they all left to go on missions. I just wasn't expecting to see you as a RIO. You've always been a pilot in my mind, and especially for my father of all people. You hated that man. When you found out I was his daughter, Ice had to have a stern talking with you." Jade laughed at the memories. 

Bradley smiled, "oh yes I remember that conversation with Uncle Ice. Mom made me bring flowers to you the next day. You made Ice put them in a vase for you. Yeah, ever since the mission I've forgiven Mav, I guess. Not fully but, it's what my dad would have done if he as here, ya know? Do you know what happened with the mission Jade?" 

Jade shook her head, "Not really, I only heard the name mumbled between commanders actually. Heard it was successful and miracles were pulled off. Surprised me when I heard Bagman was in it, and it was successful. Those two words aren't normally in the same sentence." 

Bradley barked a loud laugh at this, "Yeah you're right about that. Well, it turned back at the end Jade. Mav was hit, running for his life on the ground. The enemy had him in their site, and I. No matter how much I hated him, I couldn't leave him to die. I would have regretted leaving him behind. I went back for him, and was hit by a missile. Mav and I sneak onto enemy base, steal an F-14. Mav is scary dangerous in that thing, scared the shit out of me. We got pinged, I couldn't eject. Mav was trying to keep calm but his breathing, I could tell he was freaking out. The situation, it was just too similar to that fatal hop ya know? Then the bagman, I know, saved the day by blowing up the plane that pinged us. We returned and, I guess we forgave each other. Let the past go. I needed him and he needed me." Bradley ranted. 

jade fiddled with her thumbs, "Wow, all of that happened? That must have been terrible... I hate my father sure, but I wouldn't wish that terrible of PTSD on anyone. Imagine your best friend dying and then being back in the same situation but with his son." 

Bradley sighed, placing his cup down as well, "The one he said he would protect, that's why he pulled my papers. He was trying to protect me, promised my mother on her death bed." 

Jade looked up at Bradley, "I'm so sorry you lost her Bradley." 

Bradley smiled at Jade, "It's alright, at least she's not in pain anymore, and she's with Dad. So I think she's right where she needs to be. I feel the same way about Uncle Ice." 

Jade cringed the death of the man who convinced her to become a pilot was still a fresh wound, "yeah, hopefully he is resting up there. How's Aunt Sarah?" 

Bradley responded, "Not taking it too well, she's trying to be strong, but our cousins say she doesn't sleep in their bed anymore, and often cries herself to sleep. Maybe we should go visit her, and I can take you to see Uncle ice as well?" 

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