It was an embarrassing moment between the Buckley siblings, but now the two were having dinner together. Buck made the one meal he memorized by heart... breakfast

The appearance of Maddie was sudden since Buck hadn't seen his older sister in three whole years. It's turns out, Maddie finally left her ex husband, Doug Kendall.

"So, what happened to you? Because this place is nice, and clean, and you just cooked me food, actual food," Maddie says, walking over to the couch with food and a glass of wine in her hands.

"Yeah, my, uh.. my boss at work is like Guy Fieri," Buck replied, "He's been teaching me. Uh, we have not made it past breakfast, though."

Truthfully, it was actually Adrienne who helped him learn how to cook. Bobby was just someone to help add on more to that. He walks over to the couch while trying to fish out his phone.

"And this, uh, let me show you, this is my girlfriend's place," Buck says, pulling out a picture of him and Abby, then showing the photo to Maddie.

He was looking after the apartment for her until she returned from traveling the world. However, he wasn't sure when she'll be back.

The Buckley siblings joked around a bit, mostly catching up on what happened in their lives over the three years they haven't spoken to each other. Buck slipped up and mentioned a woman who recently re-entered his life.

"Who's Adrienne?" Maddie asked.

"She's, uh, she's my ex-girlfriend. She disappeared and left me about a year ago," Buck replied.

"And she's back?"

"I work with her now. It kind of sucks," Buck explained, "She left me a note a day before she left, and I spent nine months searching for her."

"Why'd she leave you?" Maddie asked.

"I cheated."

Adrienne's next call with the 118 was about a guys named Jessie getting his head cemented into a microwave. Once they arrived at the scene, Eddie starts to drill apart the microwave.

Adrienne noticed that the two other guys, who she assumed was his friends, were recording the process. Hen was listening to his heartbeat.

"Pulse 120, BP 150 /110," Hen says. Jessie's hand moves towards his neck.

"He's panicking," Buck says.

"Saliva's probably aspirated through the breathing tube," Hen explains. Jessie stands up suddenly as everyone tries to get him to calm down. Jessie falls into the pool. Adrienne and Eddie jump in after Jessie and pulls him out of the pool.

"Watch out for his neck," Adrienne says. Eddie went to check for a pulse.

"His pulse is weak," Eddie informed.

"I have no respiration," Hen says. Chimney took a look at the cemented side of the microwave.

"Is there a plastic bag in there or something?" Chimney asked the two others.

𝗙𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗛𝗜𝗠 || E. BUCKLEYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora